april MAYISH

Thursday, May 27, 2010

aprilmayish have been great months. They are combined together like a blob, because thats what I feel these last two months have been. Don't get me wrong, a great blob, full of lots of events. Here is a few things that have happened in the last little bit:

*went to maryland to play with Jakes family
*finished regular school semester, full of great final projects
*packed up old apartment and cleaned lots
*moved into a new apartment
*did 70 hour weeks to finish hairschool as fast as I could
*studied lots to pass some hairschool tests and got a 90%! wahoo a miracle
*activities committee, ward parties
*partied at disneyland!

This has defiantly been a great time, but happy to have hairschool done. That was a great time in my life, but very very very happy to have it done. I never realized what a commitment of time things like that are. Good experience.
Went to the grocery store. Seeing this cereal makes me happy, and also eat an entire box in one day. My sister cami introduced me to this goodness.
A new reese's bar is in town. It was good, but to rich of peanut butter. I would of thought there would be any reeses to strong for my liking, but I guess this one was. :(

Jake and I went with his friends to go play laser tag. it was a blast! i think i enjoyed it to much! We played against another team, to our suprise our team won! and i came in 2nd place over all! i guess being a tomboy and always playing paintball paid off!
oh yummy, honeycomb! or.....a wasps nest inside my car....

When i was moving I found this old weekly schdule, and it made me think I have the greatest life ever! I love life! What fun adventures, great people, religion and activities!
Gurus, yumminess! best sweet potato fries around.
Found this old good fortune in a drawer along with some hair and gum......
Pretty flowers out side

This pretty flower is a picture sent from my dad! I was so proud! He does not text or send picture messages, so I was so proud of him! This picture will never be erased from my phone.
Jakes niece turned one years old!
We got to go out to her house and eat cup cakes with her family!
Claire is loving birthdays so far! She loves her baby doll and stoller!
I drew on Jakes hand to try and make class time fly by faster to finish up classes for the semester.
Jake decided to start studying for the MCAT. I got him a "school rocks" teddy bear to help him study. He sent this picture to me one day while he was studying. Cute boy.
Provo city strikes again, for the most crazy things. Parking on your own driveway gives you a parking ticket? Thats like the time I got towed out my own parking spot for a mer 140 bucks.
Jake has been wanting Arby's curly fries for quite some time now. We finally went and got him some, and got some jalepeno poppers as well! oh so yummy! As you can tell, Jake is very happy eating his fries in this picture.

When Jake and I went to visit his family, we got to look threw all of Jakes photo albums from growing up. This one of my favorite pictures. I loved it so much, his mom gave me a copy. I know keep it in my wallet. He said his hairstyle was called the "side spike." I could not stop laughing at this. Soooo good. I should of tried to bring the side spike back and cutting boys hair at hairschool this way, even if thats not what they wanted.
Packing a lunch and dinner every day got tiring, so I got some lunchables! This brought back some great memories of when I got to eat lunchables when I went on school field trips!
I went to "betos" to get a large greesy burrito. I was so excited to eat it! yum!
I was so excited to eat it, until I bit into it and saw that the burrito and realized they gave me the wrong burrito. I had ordered a stake carne asada burrito, and instead got a bacon breakfast burrito. :( its on though because Jake finished it for me and loved it! Good thing, boys can be great food disposals.

At hairschool we had an ice cream party! Yummy! I love ice cream!
My knee has been healing quite well. Remember when I had a little spill in the alleyway in Maryland? This is what it was from. Sadly everyday for a bit the scab would leak pus and get stuck on my pants or leggings and then rip off part of the scab again. It felt really good. I was surprised that after a full month that there was still a thick scab. Good thing I love picking scabs!
Moving into a new apartment created lots of fun trips to the D.I. , Walmart, and Target. I saw these cool pans at Walmart and loved them. I thought they were so cute, and that would be fun to cook in cute colored pans!
I had candy sucker lips and a grill. I know wearing them makes us look like a very attractive couple.... I think I was wearing the lips upside down?
My new room was huge, but didn't have a closet. Jake was awesome and helped me build a shelf, and my roommate Emily gave me some clothes racks, and we created a closet! It turned out awesome! I need to take a picture of it and put it up here. And yes this large pile of clothes is silly. Don't worry, I literally gave 6 large black trash bags to the needy. That felt nice.
Jake made me dinner! He is a great cook! I have never had a boy make me dinner before, and he does all the time! Its great.
I was excited that I got to have a shower curtain in my bathroom! I saw a shower curtain like this at Anthropolgie, but I didn't have 118 to spend on a shower curtain, so I tried to make it. The curtain did take longer than I expected, but it was quite fun to make. It was a slow project working on it, an hour a day, but finally it got done and I was able to shower again.

My roommate Emily was so sweet. She bought me the cute diamond shower hooks for this curtain. She wrote me the nicest note and said she thought I had been working so hard on the shower curtain and thought that these diamond shower curtain rings would look cute on it. She was sooooo right! It made the shower curtain look great! Shes the best! I love such kind, thoughtful, genuine people.
Carpal tunnel strikes again
When Jake and I went to California, I got this cool monkey, and named him tuna. Jakes mom bought me the cool Kermit,(who I sleep with every night) and the elephant is Jakes, and his name is banana. Jake comes over and tucks me in bed every-night, and he brought banana, and tucked in tuna and kermit next to me so I would sleep good.

Jake and I have been into a chocolate covered strawberry, pretty much chocolate covered fruits and oreo cravings alot lately.
Jake is a professional at dipping strawberries!

I saw this at the partyland store while I was picking up supplies for our ward summer opening social. I think when I was a child I didnt even know what an armadillo was. Pretty neat though.

Remember when it was scheduled that we were going to have an opening social up provo canyon, and I woke and it was a blizzard out. This was just the beginning. But it was ok, we moved the activity to wed, and it was all able to work out great. We had Costa Vida cater and they were so good and were not even mad when we called and changed our order to wed. Go costa.
Great movies at Best Buy! They were on sale for $7.00! Sometimes Best Buy has great deals for movies and blue rays. Sometimes they are the worse prices than most places,but you can find some great deals here!
Yummy costco pizza!
I finally made dinner. Stir fry from a bag. But it was super yummy!
Sensuous Sandwich is my Neds Crazy sub substitute. I tried the italian sub today, warm with cream cheese and it was the best sandwich I have ever had.
Remember at the ward party when I got there, and didn't knew Costa Vida catering does not come in containers, it comes in plastic bags. Good thing for great roommates that take care of you and save your but!

Black and white chocolate chip with carmel apple from Rocky Road Mtn. Factory! yummmmmm

Mickey Mouse, Sue and Wesley :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sue is such a fun women! One thing that brought us together is our love for Disneyland. Sue and Wesley, met Jake and I, and my parents in California. Wahoo! Now this is what I call a good time! Jake and I were not able to come up to California till, Saturday night, but Jakes family came up on Friday and went to Disneyland on Saturday with some of their family.
After Jake and I got in from our flight we went straight to the CA swapmeet, to get some yummy beef jerky, tri tip, and kettle corn! Then,we got to go say hi to dad and get our stuff at home and meet up with Jakes family at Downtown Disney. After, we went to Jakes cousins place and went to a fun crepe restaurant. It was also fun to meet some more members of Jakes family.
Yummy desert crepe.
A yummy food crepe! I liked how they put food ontop of the crepe as well! yummmy!!
On Sunday was a big day for Amber and Johns family! This is Paul their newly adopted son as of Saturday night! Nancy, in the picture is Johns sister, and she came to help their family out and babysit Bryce for awhile during the whole adoption process. It was so fun seeing Nancy and being able to play with her because I used to see her lots as a little girl when John and Amber were first dating! Paul is so sweet! He has been such a joy to our family!
Cute matching ladies! Sue, Amber, Mom.
One thing I truly look forward to in life is Sunday dinners at Amber and Johns! Oh yea! John is an awesome griller and makes the best tri tip and grilled veggies. Thanks Amber and John for making all my wildest food dreams come true.
This was cracking me up. Buddy (the dog) was siting on top of the table outside, and then he laid down and stayed there for at least an hour. Wouldn't that be a dreamy life to be able to be cozy and comfortable anywhere you lay down?
This is Tuna the monkey. John loves the baseball team the "Angels." If your on time to games, sometimes they give you a free prize. They gave out this angels monkey beanie babies at a few games. I played with this one all dinner and Tuna and I really bonded. John was so kind and said I could keep him! I bring Tuna with me everywhere. He lives in my purse, or on my bed.
Bryce was so excited to see Jake. He looooves Jake. They have a great time together. They are the best of friends. I think they even look alike.
Sunday after dinner, we got to take a nice walk to the beach. Tuna came along to!
Live long and prosper!
What a good loooking family!

I love when I get to see my family! It makes me so happy and refreshed.
Here is the mohawk Jake has always wanted. What good looking boys.

The fire-pit in the back yard was fun! We got to roast marshmallows, talk for a few hours, and make smeeses! Thats a smore, but instead of using a hershys candy bar you use a reeses peanut butter cup! And lets not forget the awesome dance show from Wesley to!
Wahoo!!! I love Disneyland! Here we are ready to ride the shuttle to go! This time Jake and I got to bring Yoda, and R2D2 with us! We were laughing in this picture because Wesley kept trying to jump over his mom to get in the picture.

Disneyland mainstreet. This will be a great two days at Disneyland!

What's a day to start off without a mickey chocolate rice crispy treat??!! That makes for a great morning! Thanks mommy!
At tarzans tree house we got to play some music on some pots and pans.
First ride of the day.....of course PIRATES!
No one else wanted to ride the tea cups but Wesley! Thanks Wes! We had a great time, and the mickey rice crispy did to! The tea cups will always be a classic!

Story book land! This is one of my moms favorite rides! I like all the miniature little models and miniature plants. How does disney do it?!
Sue I am sorry I had to put this picture up! I loved it so much! What a great picture to show the joys of Thunder Mountain!!!
Yummy!!!! Pirate New Orleans GUMBO! The movie "The Princess and the Frog" had recently come out and we got to see them do a performance in New Orleans square. It was really cute. I think Wesley needs to work at Disneyland as a dancer.
After some fun times in Disneyland we headed over to California Adventure. Here is mom on a bugs life ride. Its hilarious. The caterpillar eats everything insight, and you get to smell yummy candy smells of the foods he eats. California Adventure in the past few years put in some children rides based around the movie "a bugs life." They did such a good job. The rides are so cute.
Jakes mom bought me this awesome Kermit the frog! I had so much fun playing with Kermit all day! He got to go on many rides, and spend a fun day at Disneyland! He is my new nighttime snuggle partner. Him and Tuna.

This pictures is awesome of everyone! Even kermit looks scared...and the man smiling in the front left. They put a new drop sequence on the "tower of terror" and it sure got my jitters going! I was holding on to my mom so tight!
We went on some more bugs life rides. Look how cute this light is! a lollipop with a lightening bug with a cone on his bum to project the light. I want a light like this in my backyard.

We are ready for bumper bugs!
This picture is awesome! My mom is so much fun!
This is a great picture of Sue! I was so happy her and Wesley wanted to play at Disneyland with my family and I!
Wesley is ready to cause some trouble!
Were stuck in a pile of fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This toystory 3d ride is so much fun! My mom rocks at it! She always beats everyone and gets one of the highest scores of the day! I need to learn from her mad skills! I would recommend this ride to anyone to ride over and over! But for some reason even if the park is not crowed, this line is always at least 30 minutes.
Two new action figures! The Jakinator, and the Wesler..........yea I should come up with better names than that.
Yeah for roller coasters!!! Mothers wanted to just watch on this one!
This picture is funny. Jake and Wesley have great faces! I am not sure while I am scowling.
I love love love this picture! When Wesley, Jake and I went to get some icecream cones, Mom, Sue, R2 and yoda waited at the steps and saved us great spots forthe parade coming up! The parade was a fun dancing one, and Wesley got pulled out and got to dance with a cute girl!
This is Mr. Toad and Wesley.

Day 2 at Disneyland! Sadly mom didn't come with us, but we did get to have Bryce come join us! He came later that afternoon to play with us! We were all so excited, we didn't want to go on any rides without him!


This is Casey Juniors train. I don't think I have ever been on this ride. Maybe as a child but I don't remember it, so this was great! We were in the "wild animals" cage.
Disneyland pickles are the best!!!!!!

and the carasouel to!!!! I am shocked we didnt take any pictures of us trying to pull the sword out of the stone. Last time we had at least 10 of those!
Have you ever seen captain hook around???! We got to share a nice moment with him looking at the little duckies. He is nicer in real life than in the movies.
A time at disneyland is not complete without riding the cars!

Best corn dogs! One thing that I really enjoy about disneyland is the food is always good. I am never disappointed. I could not ride any rides and eat their food all day and be happy.

Hanging out at Tom Sawyers Island. Jake said its almost the same from when he was little, except that it was harder to fit inside the caves.
Oh no! Were trapped in a ball of death!
Yo, Ho, Yo, Ho a pirates life for us!

Wesley and Bryce had a fun time getting to know each other this trip. I think Yoda looks so cute on Bryce. I think Yoda would make anyone look better. (Bryce doesn't need that though, he's already so handsome)

This picture of Bryce is one of my favorites. It was on Pirates of the Caribbean, the last ride of the day for us! You got to go out with a bang! After we got to go to the gift shop and get some fun toys! Jake and I even got to get our picture cut out and framed in the morning! I will have to take a picture of it, and put it on her! It was cute! I was happy I got to play with my family, and Jakes at the magical world of Disney! This was a fantastic trip, that I would love to happen again some time realllllll soon!