Easter Weekend!

Monday, April 5, 2010

WEDNESDAY: Got to go to school, BYU class, and then to a stake activity. I found out I only have 2 classes left before school ends for the semester! Wahoo! After class, Jake and I went to our stake activity. It was fun and our course danced, to the ultimate song, "Lady in Red."

I have been having the funnest week getting a new suprise package everyday! Wahoo! Thank you Mr. Mailman and senders! Well, at the passover meal Jake and I went to last week, I told Jake that if I ended up with the hidden peice of Matzah bread that I would have the leader man bargin with me for the piece of bread by promising to send an official Idaho Potato in the mail, since the man lived in Idaho. Well, as the story goes, I did not end up with the Matzah, so I forgot the idea of ever receiving a real live genuine Idaho potato in the mail.

On Wednesday I came home, and to my surprise there was a package at my doorstep. I saw that the handwriting on the package was Jakes but I had no idea what he would send me in the mail. To my surprise it was a real potato!!!! I was so ecstatic! It was such a joyous treat! In the note inside, along with the potato it read, "Enclosed you will find a famous Idaho potato. Potato's grow underground and they have eyes. The skin is he most nutritious part. Sour cream, chili, cheese and bacon bits are this potato's best friends. His name is Spud. Don't let him know that I told you that he really wants you to eat him, so act surprised when he brings it up." I was laughing so hard. This was hysterical and a great present.
Since Easter was heading its way, I didn't have school on Thursday and Friday. At first I was kind of bummed because I am in a mood to just hurry and get school done, but then when I realized I could relax and play and finally have time to make a few things, I was all for it! I wanted to use the whole weekend to sew and make some things.
Here is the beginnings of the projects. Thursday night Jake and I ate pizza rolls and went to a concert for the band Fictionist. I have never heard of them, but Jake really likes them. It was fun. We met up with another couple at the show.
To end the day there happened to be another package at the door! Wahoo! Disney Movie Rewards movies came in! I was so excited! Sadly, my favorite part about getting a new movie is taking off the wrappers and righting my name on the movie with a colored sharpie, and always adding a smile next to my name.
I have heard many wonderful stories about the amazing "Apollo Burger" Jake and I went and had dinner there on Friday. It was yummy. But lets focus on the fries. That was the best part! They had a yummy fry sauce that seemed to have more mayo then ketchup, but it was really yummy. Jake taught me a new thing of putting lots of pepper in the sauce. It was good, but I think I like it just regular. Then we came back to my place to make crafts and start a "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie marathon with our friends Staceypants and Eric.
The entire weekend it snowed! The weather is so sporadic here in Utah. One day it will be sunny in the morning, and you walk out side during lunch time and you have become stuck in a snowstorm. Kinda fun though right? Well, besides making crafts a lot of great things happened this weekend. Found a new place to live in with great roommates (not don't that I have great roomies now, they are just all moving to different places or the great Salt Lake). It was conference weekend and it was a blast! I love watching conference! There is always wonderful messages shared. I felt like a lot of topics were on the importance of parenting and how it is mandatory and sooooo important to teach your children to make Christ the focus of your lives. I also felt like the temple was mentioned a lot and the importance of going and being a consistent temple goer. There was many great things said, and memorable talks given. I sadly always forget President Hinckley is no longer here with us. But I am grateful for President Monson and what a wonderful, inspired prophet he truly is.
Easter was a great day! We got to watch conference with roomies, and then eat dinner with some of my family that lives in the valley. It was a fun time! So my aunt is one of the most crafty people of all time and made the coolest hard-boiled egg. I should of snagged a picture of them, but she takes silk ties, and wraps the eggs in a tie, and then puts that in a white fabric cloth. Then she boils the eggs in a pot of water with 4 tablespoons of vinegar, and the eggs take the print and colors of the tie on the egg. The eggs turn out super elaborate and beautiful. It was a great weekend!

1 comment

  1. HAPPY EASTER KELS! The mailed potato is the best! and dinner with Uncle Steve and Aunt LeeAnne? SO FUN! I'm glad you were well taken care of and sewed your heart out! We NEED to talk ASAP!! I'll call you lady!
