Thanksgiving Week

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cutest nephew! Hang loose!
Today is Ambers Birthday! We got to go to Native New Yorker for her birthday dinner! Amber loves chicken wings! She is my idol.
Famous cheese and crackers.
Aubrey is a fabouls mother! She always takes time to play with all the kids.
Bryce and his yummy wings. He eats 12 of them. Honey Hot to! Thats a big deal! Go Bryce!
Alyssa always makes the cutest faces! Mom and Alyssa are the best of friends.
Tuna is getting ready for Christmas now that Thanksgiving is almost over. He loves to dress up. I think he gets that from Jake.
Tuna found a friend for his Octopus Pus. This is Pinky the Octopus. It was so cute, my nephew Brandon used his special blanket to come tuck in Pinky and Tuna so they would be cozy.
Wahoo! Bridal shower thank you cards done! (with a four left to go..) Thank you everyone for such a wonderful bridal shower! I felt soo loved!
Mom and Shane!
Gavey and Morgan
These are the two huggiest girls! They are so cute together!
This is one reason I love Alyssa. 
Greatest sisters!
Mom always makes the best rolls!
What a feast!

See what I told you? Best friends! Mom even feeds Alyssa off of her own plate of food.
See this excited face? Well Amber loves turkey skin! David peeled off all the skin and baked it especially for Amber because he knows that is her favorite! Go David!
Pumpkin Pie!
Apple Pie!
All the kids wrestling John! Dog pile!
After Thanksgiving Dinner, time to bring in the Christmas Tree! Saran wrapping the Christmas tree with lights and ordinates on it? Great idea! Thanks Sister Hansen! So excited to come back home for Christmas and have school finished with this semester! Statistics has been tuff. 16 credits was a lot.

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