to much TV Madness

Monday, April 11, 2011

When we got home from church I was so excited to put out our easter dishes! I know its not a ton...but just a little bit to spice up the kitchen. I think this apple boarder is growing on me......
Jakes mom got us the cute pink chicken. I feel this week so many people have done such nice things for me. I feel so many people have gone out of there way to do something nice for me. I feel I have so many amazingly, kind people in my life! 
Sunday was a day of lots of cooking. Bacon/egg breakfast burritos, salmon lunch and lots of cookies! I made two huge batches of cookies and Jake and I delivered them to the new people we got assigned to home teach and visit teach. 
Then an all time favorite POT STICKERS for dinner!
A cute older gentleman in our ward Brother Graff is an example to me on doing your calling to the fullest. He was so cute and brought us over the class roster and this awesome book he bought for us to help us with our Sunday School lessons. I have been reading it and it is way cool! It has many helpful insights and the Joseph Smith Translation in it! I would recommend it!
Monday I went grocery shopping and I was shocked at the size of these strawberries! I tried to put my hand up to them to see how big they were, but they don't look really big. The strawberry by my thumb was 3 inches long! These were big strawberries! When strawberries are this big you only need 2 in a smoothie!
On Tuesday on my way to class I got to eat one of my favorite meals! A yummy Jamba and Great Harvest Bread!
When I got to class, the girls in my group had made me box of treats because I missed last weeks class! I thought that was so sweet of them!
YUM! Thanks cute girls! Julie, Lindsey and Lauren!
Our teacher offered a fabouls brownie if we donated money to BYU and she brought the treats the week I missed. I was so sad! I heard from the girls in my group how the b cookie dough brownie was the best thing ever so I asked my teacher if she had any of the recipes left over that I could have so I could make them! And guess what?? She cut me a piece and put in the freezer for me! This seriously was the most amazing brownie ever! I am making them for my Sunday school  class next week because they were so amazing!

After class it was a great treat to be able to meet up with my cousins! My Aunt Robin called earlier that day and it was such a pleasant surprise! They were in town for the upcoming baby shower and Mandys graduation! What great parents! They were so sweet to call and see what Jake and I were doing for dinner! Sadly, Tuesday I had school! I was so glad because my class got out early, which never happens! So Jake and I got to meet up with them at the BYU Creamery!

Here is the group! Rochelle ( I still cant believe she just had a baby, she looks amazing! ) Mitch, Kelsey, Jake, Uncle Brian, Jana (going on a mission soon to Germany!) Aunt Robin, Alex! I love seeing family! Thanks everyone for a wonderful time! It was fantastic to see you!!!

All week I had been looking forward to getting my hair cut! I went to Shep Studio to go get my hair cut from a good friend from hair school! It was fun to catch up and talk about life! I was excited to get a trim. I don't know how every time I get my hair cut it is always more cut off than anticipated. I thought we were only going to cut off 3 inches of some very dead hair, but some how 6 inches... got cut off. I feel my hair is really short now and to my shoulders....but thats life. It was still a good hair cut. Ill just need to learn some fun ways to style it! It was fun to see inside Shep Studio though. They redid it and it looked great. Very sleek looking.
Thursday was a great day! I got to catch up and play with my friend Nicole Snow. Here and I woke up bright and early to head to the mountain. We got all our snowboarding gear ready and drove to Park City. When we got there it was dumping snow. This picture did not do the snowyness justice. So we decided to drive down main street and do some shopping since both us didn't have money with us so what damage could we do? Well, defiantly no damage because it was so early nothing was open....So with a lot of snow outside it scared us away and we drove home. Nicole and I are defiantly sunny day snow riders.
On our way home we stopped at a wave rider to see what time it opened. There special hour to ride the wave runner was not till one pm. So...we went home and got our sewing machines! I was so happy because my sewing machine was in the shop for some matienance and it was finally done! So to wait until one, Nicole and I got our sewing on! We ended up sewing and the time kept passing, so we missed the time to ride the wave runner. We will have to go another time because it looked like a blast!
I am so happy to have my sewing machine back! Now I just need some new projects to make. Any ideas anyone?

After some fun sewing, Megan came over! I love her! and of course...we played Donkey Kong! We also ate some yummy tomato basil soup and rolls! It was a great time! Costco had the most amazing homemade soups I tried while I was there on Monday. I loved the tomato basil so much! Everyone needs to try it! Because I don't really enjoy tomato soup, and I loooooved this!

Thursday night Jake and I were reeled in to the television. Have you ever seen the show, "How do I Look?" It is fabouls! I love it! We were going to go to The Chocolate because we wanted to try it out, but we ended up watching this show instead! It was hilarious. We ended up eating left over Golden Spoon!
Friday night was date night! I have been craving dirty tacos this entire week and so we went to amazing Betos for dinner. I swear there Carne Asada Burritos are one of my favorite things in the world to eat. They are so amazing. Not a dirty taco, but the best tasting burrito of all time!

Jake and I were not hungry for our desert plans yet, so we headed over to the mall to walk around.
When we felt cookie cravings coming in, we headed over to the Chocolate. It is a cute old house made it to a yummy dessert place!
We got a yummy pazookie! They call them cazookies there. You can choose two kinds of cookies to go in it! We got peanut butter and chocolate chip. It was good, but next time we will get all chocolate chip! We sat in a cute lime green and black room. Each room has a fun different color scheme.
Jake got a cupcake and I got a sugar cookie! The sugar cookie had a yummy lemony taste. It was delicious. I am craving another one!
I dont know how Tuna finds his way in odd places. He had fun at date night. Maybe someday we will get him a baby sitter for date night, but he is just such a blast to be around we cant bare to leave him at home. Jake and I were then planning on working on our lesson, but some how we ended up watching crap TV. I don't know what got into us this week on our TV watching but well do better next week!

Saturday was way fun, and we didn't take any pictures! My old roommate Megan came over around 10 and we made yummy blue berry and chocolate chip pancakes! Then we got our Kong and and played Donkey Kong! We played till five pm and realized we were hungry. We went and got some delectable In and Out Burger. We saw a cute homeless man and we gave him some money and lotion. Then we came back and ate our yummy food. Jake was so excited about the surprise In and Out. They have the best burgers ever!!! So fresh....Then of course..time for more Donkey Kong. Then Megan had to go home to finish up some stuff for her Sunday school lesson the next day. Jake and I needed to do the same! We prepared our lesson, and then I had to play more Kong! Megan and I had gotten so far and had gotten all the puzzle pieces and KONGS for almost four worlds! While I kept playing Donkey Kong till one am...Jake played some Pokemon. It was a wonderful day! Megan and I made a goal of one Donkey Kong world per week. I feel our skills have really improved and have gotten really great! Levels that Jake and I had such a hard time playing and figuring out, I feel like we are getting a handle on them and getting threw them pretty well...even if it takes us 50 plus lives.....
Sunday was a great day! Jake and I got to go to my cousin Mitch and Rochelle's baby blessing for their new daughter Brooklyn. She is so cute! It was great because I got to see my cousins! Even Mandy and David, so that was a great treat! After a beautiful blessing Jake and I headed over to our ward, because it was our first week in our new calling to teach the 12-13 year olds in our ward! So exciting! There were 13 kids there and it was fun to get to know them a little bit and talk about the lesson. It was great! We will have to come up with some fun ideas to keep the kids attention for a hour :)

After church Jake made a great dinner of yummy chicken pasta. Jake is a great cook. Then we made rice crispy treats! Next, Tuna, Jake and I played several games of Candy Land. That was fun! I have not played that game in years! Then we watched Land Before Time (which is officially the saddest movie ever made) and played two games of Yahtzee! Yahtzee truly is the best movie ever!!!

Next we skyped with Jakes parents, and then my parents! That was great! I was so proud of my mom, this was her first time skyping and she figured it out all by her self! Go mom! After some fun times talking, Jake and I watched Little Rascals. That movie is so cute. We were laughing so hard the whole time. Then Stacey called! She made us some yummy pumpkin chocolate chip bread! and It was fabouls!!!! We ate the whole thing in less that 4 hours....I will need to get that recipe! Thanks Staceypants!

Then, Jake and I read over lesson for  next week so we could start thinking about it! I am also really excited because this is the last week of school! Wahoo!!!

This was a great week! Thank you to all of you for all you did!

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