Meadow Hot Springs

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Jake, Jeff and I drove to some hot pots called Meadows. On our way driving to the hot pot we had a cow encounter. We thought if we drove close to it he would go away. False.
Here is Mr. Cow. He really is this close to the car. I could have reached my hand out the window and touched him. But then he ran away.
Ice Ice baby. These were snowy frosticles from the steam of the hot pot. Neato.
Look how neat this hot pot is! Surprisingly it was super deep! Jeff was so good at holding his breath and swimming far underwater to explore what was beneath us. We found out that the pot was 31 feet deep. I am still shocked by that. Next time well need to bring glow sticks to throw to the bottom and try to find them. I may not be very good at that game though because I feel like I put my head under water and my ears are already clogged. haha I am glad even though it is super cold out, I look really buff in this shirt.A fun adventure at the hot springs with Jeff and Jake. Lots of other people came and joined us on this fun day as well. A rad hippie couple (the man had a super long beard), and a bunch of boy scouts. The water was really warm and fun to swim around in.
Jake came prepared and brought a squid and a dinosaur that could squirt water. It really wasn't water though, it was liquid oil that could kill someone just from looking at it. I carried the dino with me all day. He was my favorite. It was devastating when we left the dino and squid alone, and when we came to find them, they were attacking each other. Good thing we caught them in time before they killed each other.For some reason the dinosaur was really attracted to Jake's beard and squirting his liquid venom on it. I think the only reason Jake didn't die that day was because his beard was covering his skin. After the hot pots we jumped in the car to drive home. Jake was cute and packed lunch for all of us and made us turkey, cheese, jalapeno sandwiches. Jeff brought grapes and some snacks. It was a fantastic day at the hot pots! I sure hope to go there again someday!

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