
Monday, March 8, 2010

At hairschool my friend Julie talked to me about her concern of going to the state court house to bring a case of saying billboards are more of a distraction to drift out of your lane, than texting. How I love her. The thing is she is genuinely passionate about this. Its fabulous. She said if she were to run in a pageant, she would work on this case for her service project to the world. She is calling her case "billboards and dead bodies, or drifting and driving." I am going to find her a lawyer to support her case. Let me know if you can help. This could be a good one. Were going to start researching this topic. She understands texting is a problem, but so are billboards. She is against texting and driving but she is just curious why billboards have not been addressed, like trying to get a number off a billboard while you are driving. Danger! Blame it on the rain. This brings me to my next discussion of topic. Things in our lives that could cloud our minds and are road blocks in our lives. Yesterday in church, I really enjoyed myself. I was reminded that sometimes we have things going on in our minds, or we just are not really paying attention and we can miss opportunities to listen to spiritual promptings. Thinking of this made me sad and made me not want to miss oppourunities to be there for someone else. This made me want to work harder and be better in toon with the spirt by maybe praying with more intent, praying for others when I think of them or there name comes up in my mind, or carrying a scripture around with me to ponder threw out the day to keep my mind more focused on "better" things. This way I will better be able to be aware when someone else needs help or even a smile. To accomplish this I am making a spiritual goal to work on to bring me closer to the Savior. Last night Jake and I started reading "Alice and Wonderland" book. We were quite surprised how the movie followed a lot of the details of the book, from what we have read so far. Last night went to break the fast and ate tacos and toooo many cookies, of course. Looked into laser removal schools today. Then I really started to think and I don't really want to do anymore school. After collage is over, maybe. I would say next to arizona, utah has the best sunsets! Jake got us snow shoes today! Wahoo! We got a great deal on them! I am so excited to use them. Sadly Jake gets belly button surgery this weekend so we may need to wait till next winter. But that would give us something fun to look forward to! I have the best boyfriend ever! He was so sweet and and also bought me a rad sleeping bag today! Some of our friends keep talking about camping, and I have only been a few times growing up so we decided we need to go someday, except I didn't have a sleeping bag. I thought I would be fine with a bunch of blankets, but I guess I needed my own sleeping bag! I was so excited about it that I slept in it last night! Jake and I made spiral macaroni noodles for dinner, went rock climbing, and read some alice and wonderland. Then Jake tucked me in bed and rode his bike home. Its so great because the weather is getting better out you can start to ride bikes! Wahoo!!!!! Today I am grateful for the beautiful outdoors and the fun things to do outdoors!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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