Disney Rewards

Thursday, March 25, 2010

So you know how when you busy a Disney movie the inside cover has lots of little papers in it!? If you see this star on the left on your Disney movies, your in! Jake and I discovered if you save that and type in your codes at www.disneymovierewards.com you can earn points. With your points you can earn Disney rewards like, DVDs, memorabilia, travel vouchers, tours of Disneyland and more. Cool right?! And you can also get points for old Disney VHS and DVDs even if you don't have the secret code. So once again, my love for Disneyland and Walter has increased and I love Disney! Last night with 1200 reward points I got an old DuckTales movie, and Donald Duck Mathematics. The only negative is the item you select does not arrive until six to eight weeks! But it does ship for free! So that will be a nice surprise when that comes in the mail! Monday, went to a store called Hugger Mugger with Staceypants. We got awesome yoga mats! The mats they make are exquisite! I got a sweet sea-foam green one that is super long so maybe if I get good at life I can do the splits on it. Then got to go snowboarding with Stacey, Joesph, and Shane. Ohhhh how I forget how much I love the mountain! And spring riding!!!! What a joy! Light jackets, slush snow, and sunny days! So fun! Then came home and Jake and I ate Bajios green chicken chille casadilla and watched some movies! We watched "A Bugs Life" and "Ponyo." I was surprised how cute Ponyo was. She was just a sea creature that wanted to be a real girl, with the cutest voice. Then we ate lots of dark chocolate. Tuesday went to hair school all day long. Jake was so sweet and brought me one of my favorites....the always delicious Taco Bell. After school we rode our bikes and fed the turtles! When I came home from school, on my bed was a yummy chocolate bar, and Toy Story 1 and 2! They came out on blu ray and came with movie tickets to see #3! Wahoo! Thanks Jacob! Wednesday went to hair school and then college. Jake met me at class. I love that he will come to school with me. It makes school so much better and easier to go to. Only 3 more classes to go till semester is over! Oh exciting! So nice to see and end in sight. Even better...hopefully if I bust it out I can be finished with the school of hair by middle of may. The scary thing is I don't know how to do hair. Hum.....if I lived in anywhere besides Utah I would be graduated already from hair school. Its ok though...the endurance is good for me. After college class Jake and I went for a walk! And the best thing ever....my fivefingers and new hiking shoes came in the mail! Wahoo!!!! Life's the best ever! And I love mail to! So that was the best getting two packages! After our nature walk I was so tired Jake tucked me in bed and read scriptures to me and took off for home. Thursday, got many tests done for hair school. That was nice because I am way behind on my theory for school...........ahh. In two months it will all be over. Yes!!! It was a headband party at school today to. A cute girl named Jentry asked me to bring them in, and I owe her big time! I need to bring them in more often...When I got home from hairschool, Jake had put my favorite cereal "Good Friends that I had run out of and chocolate covered cinnamon bears on my bed. He is the sweetest person anyone could have in their lives. Then we watched ToyStory 2, had a light saber battle and called it a night. Life is great! We have an adventurous weekend planned! I am so excited for it! Today I am grateful for emails, Jake, chocolate covered cinimaon bears, the chance to go to school and family!

1 comment

  1. Ah I love how sweet Jake is to you! What a keeper! Crew loves Toy Story! I got them both for him and he watches 1 at the house and 2 in the car!
