Time to Blossom

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

This summer I got the opportunity to be a counselor at a girls camp for ages 11-16 year olds. The camp is called "Time to Blossom." I had a great time! I had an awesome group of 10 11 year olds and 3 14 year olds! So I had the largest group at 13 girls! We got to stay at the Hilton hotel in Mesa and have great meals everyday. For some of our meals we got to go to the Fiesta Mall next door and get food. One day our group all ordered pizza together. I loved the girls I was able to have. We had fun devotionals, great chats, and no sleep for the whole week. I got to room with 4 of the girls, so played late, or allllll night. Each day we had crafts, speakers and activities. There were a lot of great speakers that came and talked about walking tall, having confidence, posture, gospel lessons, self image, how to build friendships, and much more. Lots of great information for any age. John Bytheway, Vivian Cline were two of the big speakers they had come. They even had an olympian medalist swimmer come, and more.

One day we got to work on a service project. We got to make baby dolls for children in Africa. I loved hand sewing so it was a great time. I think it may have been a bit hard for people that have never sewn before, and confusing, but the girls pulled threw and did a great job!
This is one of the cute baby dolls made. I thought they were so cute! I want to make one when I am at home to keep to!
I got some pictures off the time to blossom website, so they came out blurry, but you can catch the jist of the picture from them. This was a picture of some of the girls with the little baby dolls behind them.

One night it was a dress up/formal night. I was grateful for my hair school and makeup days to help all the girl get ready for the night. It was fun!
Oh look at my cute girls!! This night was the night of the runway, and each girl got to go on stage and be presented.
This is Shanie and Mallory, two other counselors I knew from high-school. It was fun getting to see some of the counselors because a lot of them were friends from high-school that I had'nt seen since back in the day.

The whole elevator situation was fun. Since there were so many girls going up and down in the elevators, it was about a 15 minute wait every time you needed to go back to your room.
Mallory and I went for a piggyback ride in the hotel.

Another night there was an official fashion show. The company "down east outfitters" provided clothing from their new summer line for 20 girls. Anyone else that wanted to participate in the fashion show could. More than half the girls participated.
Every night we got to enjoy some fresh popcorn. This night we had a comedy show from he company called "Jesters." It was fun.
Yes rooming with girls creates many adventures. This is Brittlely and Brittany. The girls found some red lipstick and had a party with it. These are the kind of fun things sleepy girls do at 3 in the morning.
Muffins, fruit, scrambled eggs, french toast sticks! Yumm. I looked forward to breakfast every morning.
Every night we had yummy dinners in the ballroom. This was fun because then all our girls could sit and eat together.
Living with younger girls is really messy. I sure hope I wasn't this messy when I was a child. This was after I literally spent an hour and a half cleaning up trash and the girls junk.

This was our groups final picture.
I feel I had the best group ever! I was so lucky to have such wonderful girls!
Last day saying goodbyes! Yes I did cry..

On the last day the girls did a final dance for the parents when they came to pick the girls up! It was a great, long week.

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