Saturday, July 3, 2010

wow it has been way to long since I have even looked at a computer, besides catching up on the Bacholorette episodes. Carpal Tunnel is starting to hit, so I have been taking a break for any repitious hand movements (except for eyelash fun that is!) Life has been so wonderful! I have had alot of really great spirtual experiences lately, and have been able to spend some great time with some very special people in my life.

A couple of weeks ago, I got to be a councler at a girls, efy type of camp called, "Time to Blossom." It was a great time! I got to hear amazing speakers, eat great food, make fun crafts, and be incharge of 13, 11 year old girls, who were, and became a great example and influence to me.

This week I got to spend with my grandparents for their 70th wedding anniversry. I would love to be like my grandparents. I feel they are exemplary examples in, 1. Loving the Savior, 2. Showing and express love to spouse, and other important people in thier lives, 3. importance of eating right, health and fitness, 4. education, and for number 5. gospel examples.

1. Loving the Savior- every conversation ends up with grandma or grandpa, expressing thier love to the Savior and what a blessing He is in their life.

2. Showing and expressing love to spouse, and other important people in thier life- my grandparents often email me and tell me how much they love me and why. (They are 91 years old, that is pretty incredible). Grandpa, always opens the car door for grandma, and helps her get around everywhere. At their favortie "Golden Coral" grandpa will put his plate of food down, and hurry over to grandma so he can grab her plate and help her finish walking over to sit down to eat. Grandma and grandpa always hold hands together, sit by eachother, hug and kiss everytime someone gets up and express love verbally to eachother. I know some may think this is to much, but seeing this has been the sweetest experience for me, and has helped me look forward to work towards this in my life.

3. Eating right. Grandparents do some form of excersize everyday. I dont think they could be 91, walking around, being active if they didnt. They eat lots of fruit and veggies, and dont eat past 6pm. Good goals to work towards.

4. Jake sat with grandpa at the computer, working on figuring out a few things together. He is always wanting to learn more, and be better at computers. Grandma and grandpa also play a game everyday during scripture study. They will pick out words in the scriptures, and have to spell out loud to eachother the word, and say a definition. Then they look up the definition and study the word, and quiz eachother throught the day the word. They are always finding great ways to jog thier memory.

I have loved being able to spend time with my sweet grandparents. They have been such wonderful examples to me throughout my life.

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