pioneer weekend

Sunday, July 25, 2010

This was a fantastic weekend. It started off on Thursday night, Jake and I went up provo canyon and went star gazing. That was fun. Then Friday was awesome because I got to do some eyelashes, and then go sign papers to be completely done with hair school! Wahoo! Now that makes life sure good! Then, I went with my roommate Emily to the Urgent care to get her toe checked out, because...ended was broken. It is really swollen and blackish tones of color. It really looks lovely. Then I went to Walmart to get these cute colored bins that I could put in my closet so I can organize all my fabrics and sewing knick nacks. It was really hard to push the shopping cart out of Walmart with all these bins. Comical. Then I picked up Jacob and we went down to the Provo Town Center to go see the movie "inception." We brought in J-dogs and some Great Harvest cookies! YES! The movie was good in that it made you think and ponder about the subject and what was happening, but it wasn't my favorite movie. I was glad we saw it, and enjoyed it, but not a movie I would pick out to watch often. Then Jake and I went to go meet up with my old roommate Sarah, and her friend Tradien. Our theme country folk night. Jake and I were on a time crunch so we ran into the D.I. and had ten minutes to come up with an outfit. That was really fun! Somehow we also ended up leaving with some beanie babies to....Then we met Sarah and Tradien at Wingers. They were putting on some fake tattoos. I was so excited. We all ended up with some awesome tattoos on. Many with flames. Our weightier at Wingers happened to be at the state board hair school test with me. He passed to! Random, and fun! After some yummy sticky fingers were eaten, we headed over to a fun place called Boondocks to go play some goofy golf! I love goofy golf! This place is really fun because it has laser tag, golf carts, bumper boats, arcade and fun things like that.

This was our group picture for the night. I think Jake looks really cute in overalls and should look into wearing them more. Really though. Here we are, ready for our night activity of golf.
This was a cool spider web I saw shinning from a light. Neat huh. It is very intricate. I want to look up how long it takes for a spider to make something of this sort.
This is cute Jake. He is more hard core in this picture than cute though....its because of the tattoos.
Miniature golf takes much skill and precision. I am glad we didn't play for points!

It was really fun to be able to play with Sarah and see her and her friend! We all had a great time playing together. I miss living with Sarah. She has always been a great friend since I have known her. Defiantly a keeper!
Remember how I ordered that rad water camera???!!!! Ok, I dont think I even mentioned it, but it came in the mail! Jake, Jeff, Brynt and I went to try out the camera in Deer Creek Revisor. We first started the day off at 6:00 am to go up to the Heber skate park. Jake loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves that skate park, and the boys like to go up early so they can have the place to themselves. I was really tired and a bum so I slept in the car while the boys skated. Then we all went down to the Revisor to take a swim to the small island across the way. Here is Jake under water. The water was a bit murky so we could'nt have the camera farther away.

This was a fun swim. At first the water was a bit chilly, but then it felt perfect as you started your swim across the water.

We made it! Here is a cool plant! We even saw real wild life....a squirrel!
We are now on the island. Time to swim back to shore. This was a great first time to use the camera! I cant wait to take it to France!!!

Speaking of France, I realized I needed to get some clothes that I don't have to layer to wear on the trip. I feel like all my clothes need both leggings and a cardigan. I need to find clothes that don't need either! So after a fun water adventure and a great lunch at Bajios, Jake and I went out to Salt Lake to go shopping. We stopped at a cute store called "nothing bunt cakes" to get a little treat :) After a long day of shopping, and no success....except for 2 cups and a apron, Jake and I went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory. My dad gave me money for us to go out to dinner for finishing hair school, so I scored and got two awesome graduation dinners! Wahoo! After dinner at the Cheese Factory, Jake and I went to another movie! and saw Toy Story 3! We got free movie tickets for it from our disney blu rays Toy Story 1 &2. How cool is that?! It was a great movie! I laughed, I cried, I thought everyone was done for, and I ended with a smile on my face. Bullseye is my favorite character. I think he is so cute. If I were a horse, I would try to date him.
On Sunday, Jakes cousin Taylor was giving his farewell talk. He is going on a mission to Brazil. Exciting! This is his cute mother Christi. She seems like the funnest mom! And always has treats around. Taylor did a great job on his talk. He talked about the God head, and what it means to him. He will be a great missionary.
Nathan and Joanna are getting some yummy food! There was quite the food and dessert bar! I went back for 3rds! Yea, I ate way to much. Claire was so good for the farewell. She had the cutest little baby elmo she was playing with.

Jake and I are waiting with his cousin Devin and his friend to get some food!
Jake went to his mission in Brazil, so he was so excited to show Taylor pictures of what Brazil is like and talk to him all about it. I learned about worms.

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