mandy and davids wedding weekend

Monday, August 2, 2010

My cousin Mandy got married, and so it turned into a family reunion in Utah. It was great! Mandy met her soon to be husband at BYU idaho her first year. Then David went on a mission, Mandy went on a mission, and when they were both back, love was in the air! My mom came into town so I got to play with her for a whole week! It was great! One day, we had the entire day to our selves so we had a blast going shopping, and out to Gardner Village.
This is mom and I at Gardner Village. I don't think we have ever looked better! Gardner Village has the cutest shops! My mom and I's favorites were the fabric shop and Christmas decorations shop. Then later that night we met up with uncle Bryan, aunt Robin, Jana, Alex, Mandy, Mitch, Rachelle, and Jake came up to Salt lake and we all went to a yummy deli called "corner cafe" and then went over to the cheesecake factory to eat yummy cheeeeeesecake. We happened to be there on national cheesecake day, so everyone got a piece of cheese cake half off! What a deal! They had a new kind that was Reeses delight. And was a delight. While we were there I saw my friends Shelby and Ryan Skousen. They told me it was their year anniversary. How time flies! Then all of us went over to Nanas house and played the card gave "5 crowns." It was a great time! I craved to play it all weekend.
On Saturday at 11:30, Mandy and David got married in the South Jordan Temple. This is the temple Mandys parents got married in. Jake and I walked around with Jana and Alex as the wedding ceremony went on.
Here is the happy couple, officially married!
Jake and I hanging out while lots of pictures were being taken by the bridal party.
The family.
My moms siblings. Uncle Bick, John, Mom, Laurie, Robin.
Cute little Mandy.
Mom, Jake and I.
Jake and I ended up having our little own photo shoot. It was so pretty out, mom found some great places to take our picture.

Cutest flower girl I have ever seen.
The luncheon was held at the Joseph Smith Memorial building in the Presidents room. It was fun, and the food was great!
Dorthy and Toto. After the luncheon we went over to my Uncle Bick and Donnas, and cousin Lacys home. Uncle Bick and Aunt Donna have started breeding puppies! They had a few kinds and were soooo cute! It was so sad though because they had one that was born that day, and he died a few days later because the mom bit it because she thought it wasn't in best health...:( poor little puppy.
Mom and uncle Bick
Mitch and Rachelle. This is Mandys twin brother. He and Rachelle have been married for over a year now.
Cousin Lisa and husband Todd. I always loved Todd as a child because he liked rap. It really bonded us.
Alex and Aunt Laurie
Sunday was a fun day of Church with Nana, 5 crowns, yummy pizza, and playing with mom and the Laubaughs. Monday, we all met up at Kneaders for breakfast. Sourdough pancakes are my new favorite. Mandy and David even came and joined us for breakfast on their way out back to their new home :) Then we went to the BYU bookstore and got some goodies. Low and behold they had the card game "5 crowns." Mom bought it for me! Shes the best! Then that night I was in charge of the ward closing social with my co chair Preston. It was soooo awesome having my mom here to help! She is the best watermelon cutter around!
The closing social was at Nunn's park up Provo Canyon.
This is my roomate Emily and Preston. Emily and her sister left floating the river and came right over to help me with this activity! They were such a help! I am so lucky to have such great people in my life! Jake came on his way to help and threw up, so he had to go home to go throw up more.
Shelly is great at making posters. She has wonderful handwritting.
Wahoo! Activity done, and finished Preston brought us these great baby aprons while we grilled up some grub. After my mom was a gem and helped me unload the car, and clean everything up. Oh moms are the best! Then we took ill Jake some gatorades and a new puppy dog beanie baby we found at the gas station. He was boiling warm. He was not doing to good. But luckily he was able to fall asleep! Then my mom and I drove up to stay the night in Salt Lake at Nanas again before moms morning flight. That night we had one last hurrah with the Laughbaugh's. This was a great week! I was so glad I got to see my mom and play with family!

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