Bucket list #1

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Latley I have been thinking a lot about "the future." Things like...what I would like to be doing in 20 years...things I would like to accomplish....where I would like to be.....things I would like to do...and so on. So with lots of great examples in my life to follow, I picked some qualities I would like to be and some random things I would like to do, some spiritual things...and of course.....way to many parties things. This began the start of my bucket list. I have about 20 things right now on my bucket list, and one of them is...make a quilt. So super cheesey....but I saved all my old shirts from highschool and trips, and am going to make a quilt out all the shirts. Well, it eneded up being a lot of shirts, so I get to make 2 cozy quilts! One is going to be a super simple, all the t shirts sewn together which will be efy, concert shirts, and travel, and the other quilt is all school shirts from sports, orchestra, and student council stuff. All the pieces are 15 by 15 inches and will have small fabric strips sewn in between them. I don't think these quilts will count for my full bucket list quilt though, because there is one I saw at a store about a year ago, with my mom and I want to make that for a someday future bedspread, because its a cute huge patchwork with massive pop out flowers. So fun! I think after that...the goal of having more patience then doing a "just a one day" sewing project and making a quilt will be accomplished! Well here is the start of my bucket list, ill post some pictures if the quilts get any further.............

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