wesleys mission call!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Today is the big day.....WESLEY GETS HIS MISSION CALL! This was an exciting time. Wesley had hip hop dance class to get to, so we all (Cameron, Jake, Jacob Low, Tuna, and I) headed to the Spencer W. Kimball tower to open it. Wesley had mom and dad on his phone, and Cameron had Nathan, Joanna and Clair on his phone.

Look at Wesleys excited face as anticipation is running threw him. (that made zero sense)
Tuna and I are anxious. Where could Wesley be going?!
Lots of joy is starting to fill the air. Wesley begins to rip the envelope.
We put the phones by the envelope, so they could feel the whole effect of what was happening.
ahhhh!!!!!!!!! No way! Wesley got his call to....................
Toulouse, France!!!!!! Remember a few weeks ago, when I got to go with Jakes family to France to pick up Cameron from his mission from Toulouse, France?!?!??! How cool is that! Wesley is going to the same place! How neat he has been able to visit where he is going to serve, meet some of the missionary's, meet the mission president, meet members and he already knows how to speak pretty good French! Way to go Wesley! SOoo great! Wesley will be leaving us in January. We must get some good play time in.

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