Jackson Hole

Saturday, September 18, 2010

After a fantastic day of Bear World, Jake and I pulled into Jackson Hole, Wyoming! The drive was beautiful threw the canyons! We met with his co workers Brent and Brett. Brett's family had a cabin that they let us stay at. For dinner we went to a famous burger shack called Billy's Burger. It honestly was one of the most delicious burgers I have ever eaten. It looks huge right? I finished it....I got a cheeseburger with jalapenos and mushrooms. Yum! Jake got a buffalo hot dog. He liked it
That is what is called a gooood burger.

After eating dinner, we all walked around the town. There were some shops that looked really neat. We all wished they were open so we could walk around them. Instead we found a homemade golf course. Look at the creativity. This would be a fantastic back yard project.
goofy golfing can be ruff for the inexperienced :(
a beautiful obstical
We found a golden golf ball. Brett was the only one that could get the ball on the snowboard ramp. This was was cool. I like the people in the stands, watching the snowboarder.
a closed ski ramp. so awesome!
Jake and I bought matching moose footie pajamas. They came in perfect time for this trip. We were in moose town!
On the drive to Jackson, the car got attacked by bugs. Sorry bugs.

The boys got the kayaks hitched onto the car for a fun adventure! For breakfast we ate yummy bagels at Pearl Street bagel shop. They really were delicious! We got bagel sandwiches for us for lunch as well!

Tuna was a good bagel keeper. He is so happy to have a kayaking trip. He loved canoeing in France, so now he is ready to try something of the same kind. I need to invest for a life jacket for Tuna.

This is the beautiful lake we got to kayak in. I thought I wouldn't like a kayak because they sat more in the water, but I ended up liking it!

Ready to go!!!! Wahoo! and those skittles hit the spot!

What is portage? Well portage is the art of carrying your canoe by foot, so you can reach deeper, more mysterious water on the other side of a land block. I thought this was going to be a piece of cake. The kayaks were heavier than I thought. It was worth it though. I needed a good arm workout anyway.

The water was perfect!  It was so easy to row in! The kayak Jake and I were in had foot pedals in the back that helped you stir! So neat! Jake did a fantastic job at navigating.



Kelsey and Jake


Land ho!!!! Time to stop for lunch. We found the most amazing camp site. Jake is telling us about the fresh tracks in the sand.

neat tree.

Brett made water dripping sand castles. Talent.

Five fingers.

A beautiful butterfly landed on my hand.

Fall is coming. The leaves are changing colors.

Forest Gump

Awesome camp site right?! A grill, seats, tent spots with sand underneath, and tall hangers to hang your belongings from bears, and a food lock box. Fabulous!

Tuna in the kayak. He is ready to continue on the journey. He was the best rower I have ever met! (besides Kim). When I got tired, Tuna would take over. Hes a speed racer.

Tuna perched on a tree.

A deer right by us. We think he was used to foreigners because he didn't run away.

smoke in the near distance.

A catepillar. Now all Tuna talks about is Caterpillars. We need to get him one for a pet.

Time to leave our lunch spot.

By nice camp site.

Brent and Jake are crazy. The water was freezing and they wanted to go for a swim. Overall, I feel they enjoyed it.

In the downtown city of Jackson Hole, it has these neat antler arches of the corner of a middle square.

When we put Tuna in the anteaters, a photographer man came and took a picture of Tuna. The crazy thing is, on the photographers shirt it said Tuna on it!!!! He was a Tuna fisher. That's a true story. And a crazy one to say the least. That's what I would like to call fiat.

Jackson Hole was a fantastic time! We had Sushi for dinner, and then...........Jake and I got our pictures taken at a old time photo studio. It was hilarious. I will scan the pictures soon, and put them up on a new blog. It was a hilarious time. We did an old salon scene. Then it was time after a fantastic trip to head home for church the next day!

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