Life update

Saturday, October 2, 2010

This past week has been crazy! It has been so fun being engaged! I feel it has made things so much better between Jacob and I. Things have always been wonderful, but somehow,they seem even better. I never knew there was so much to go into a wedding. I am so grateful to have a weddingtastic mother. It is also fun. Its fun to look at photographers, wedding dresses, kitchen bowls, ext. This is a whole different world of shopping I have not entered into yet. I got a ticket last week, and that has been a nightmare working threw. In Idaho, you can not do driving school if you get a ticket. That is why Idaho is now shut out of my mind for living in....This week I had four papers, and three midterms for school. It was a bit intense. Jake helps me so much with my school work. He is a trooper. With so many things going on (ward opening socials), I have never felt so tremendously blessed in my life. Jake and I keep talking everyday about the tender mercies the Lord has extended to us each day. It truly has been overwhelming. I am sooo grateful for the gospel. The church is true. Its amazing to me how the Lord always blesses us, and continues to bless us. Its beautiful.

Conference so far has been fantastic! Cameron, Wesley, Jake, and Jeff went skate boarding early Saturday morning, and then came over to my place for pancakes and conference watching. I love conference! I really felt they were talking very intensely about the basic of the gospel and the importance of the fundamentals. It was fantastic. After session one, we all went to Pita Pit, played some games, and worked on crafts. Then we watched the next session. I love all the accents that have been heard today.

I cant believe October is already here! Life is flying by sooo fast. The cold weather outside imply October is here...I feel like in January my life will be completely different, being done with school, and married! Wahoo!


  1. you're awesome
    you're hot
    you're engaged
    you're happy
    you're in love

    i happy for you.

  2. Woweeeeee!!! that took me and hour to get through those engagement posts- a wonderful hour with my little sis! I don't think you took enough pictures :) and I'm jealous tuna got to be with you for so many happy events! Jake is the best- that was a WELL thought out day of events! Some of my favorites were the lunch sacks with "Jakey" and "kelsey" written on them, jake's bandana and that HUMUNGO-MASSIVE BLING ON YOUR FINGER! YOWZA! Words could never describe how thrilled I am for both of you and how super excited I am to have JAKE in the family! Oh and the pictures of wesley opening his mission call were so great- holding the phone up so everyone could hear him tearing it open... clever. I'll have to read about jackson hole a little later- love you!
