October 18-29

Saturday, October 30, 2010

What a great week and a half! It was one of the busiest ever it, but so many things were able to get done, and school is almost half over! The highlight this week was having my mom come in town! Wahoo! It was the best having her here! We were able to make progress on wedding colors, wedding dress, bridesmaid dresses, reception food and desserts, register at Target/Bed Bath and Beyond, and have some fun adventures together.Sunday Dinner: Jake made some pasta and chicken. Tuna ate a ton of it. Jake does a great job making food.
       Stacey and Neal went on a date and went to the corn mazes. They brought me back a souvenir. On Monday, after taking a few tests at the testing center, Jake went and picked up some treats for us to have Family Night together. We started reading out of a book about ideas to grow a closer relationship to Christ. We also tried vanilla/chocolate oreos. It was so surprising that the vanilla taste override the chocolate taste. I like the original double stuffed the best. This week before mom came there was a lot of school work to get done.
Jake and I had fun picking out outfits for us to wear for engagement pictures! We took them on Wednesday! We had the cutest photographer! Her website is "nicole carmen photography" I want to get our pictures back so bad! We will get them in two weeks! Right after Jake and I took pictures, we got to drive to Salt Lake to pick up mom! I was so excited for her to come into town! She stayed from Wednesday night till Sunday night! Wahoo! (thats a lot of explanation marks! thats how excited I was..)

The fun thing about holidays, is the fun food that is associated with it! My roommate Megan is in charge of ward prayer and she always picks out the funnest treats. I guess thats the cute school teacher in her!
While mom was here we got some good stuff done! When we went out to get some ideas of what to register for to try and get some color pallets for rooms, and see what was available. These yellow pillows were my favorite find!
Sadly, while mom was here, I still had one more test to take. I was so proud that this was my first test above 60% in years I had to take a picture of the monitor to remind myself that I can make it, school is almost over! I got a 90% I was so sad that the screen didn't say "awesome" or "way to go" on it. You had to get a 95%. Maybe next time :)
On Saturday, after looking at a couple of apartments for Jake and I to live in after we get married, we went to Costco. There was a neat pony there. We bought some cool hand puppets and food for Sunday dinner. Costco had some awesome Christmas toy sets.
When we were leaving Costco to come back home, we were passing campus just in time as the BYU football game foot traffic was on the loose.
This picture does not do justice the swarms of people. On Saturday, it was pouring rain all day. People watching the game in that shows true blue colors.
As we were stuck in traffic we observed the nice fall trees and smog about the mountains.
Sunday after church, mom made us all an awesome italian dinner! It was so fun to have all my roommates and cousins that live in the area for dinner. Sadly Cameron and Wesley were not able to come because they had church later in the day, but we got to play with them Saturday night for dinner and a Halloween Movie.
Here the start of the dinner group! More began to come after the picture was taken. I love having my mom in town! She is such a blast! After dinner we play a game of "five crowns." I think this was a first in a long long time that I won. I was shocked my score was 74, and under a 100.  I feel it all depends on the cards you get. I love the game! Then I mom and I went to the airport to take her home. I did not want her to leave. She is the best to have her around!
As I was walking to school I thought it was so beautiful out! The fall time is quite beautiful!
                                             I also thought these clouds looked beautiful!
                 Fall leaves in the gutter. I want to scoop up a bunch of leaves and play in them.
Tuesday night Jake came and picked me up from school, and we went to Arbys to get some yummy jalepeono poppers. After I went back to the library to work on some homework. When I was leaving campus, I saw that it had snowed outside. Someone drew this smily face is the fresh powder.
When I got to my car, I was surprised with how much snow was on it. I thought that the snow would all be melted by morning.
I was shocked that in the morning there was more snow! By one in the afternoon, most all of the snow was melted away. Snowboarding here I come! Wahooo!
Wednesday night bowling! Sadly I didn't get to come bowl, but these are the pictures I got at the last tail end of the game! Cameron was awesome and came and bowled in my place. It was a Halloween bowling night, and the team did not disappoint! Jake even bowled a turkey! Way to go babe!
Cameron and Jacob looking good.
I missed bowling for a work meeting. I started working 3 hours a week at a cute salon called "Im Beautiful." They are so good to me there! I love my bosses! Next week they are having a boutique sale and I get to go join! I am so excited! Well at our work meeting we went over all our Bumble and Bumble products with our Bumble rep Rob. It was so much fun! They had dinner for us, and treats! Well, after I realized maybe I shouldn't be so anti- hair products. If you get the right products, they can really do a whole lot of good for you, and your hair. The surf spray and tonic are my favorite so far!
Thursday night, my ward had an activity for Halloween. This was my first activity I didn't participate in. I kind of missed it, but it was so nice to be able to go support someone else that worked so hard on this activity. The new activities committee did wonderful! It was so cutely decorated, had an awesome bake off, and chili and soup bowls with cute "Great Harvest" pumpkin bread bowls. Jake and I ate so much chili! It worked out perfect that we were eating pumpkin bowls, while Jake and I were pumpkins ourselves.....
On Friday I got to meet with my stats tutor and go over past tests, make cupcakes, go to the temple, do a few sets of eyelashes, and meet up with Jake at a super cute apartment! Oh, I hope the landlords pick Jake and I to live there! Jake and I have looked at a lot of places, and this is by far my absolute favorite one! We will find out tomorrow if we can live there! I sure hope that we get to live there! It was perfect location, perfect size, so clean and cute! Oh I loved it! Well see though...if not...well find another one! After looking at the apartment, Jake and I ate dinner together at In and Out Burger. Then we headed over to campus to go to some extra credit lectures for one of my religion classes. The event was called "39th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium." Tomorrow is Halloween! We are doing a roommate extravaganza! I am excited!


  1. Another FANTASTIC post! Those pumpkin costumes are amazing and will definitely come to good use for future Halloweens too- gooooooood find! So fun with Ma! i can't wait to see how your dress turns out and your engagement pictures- your outfits were PERFECT! Love you Kels- let's talk again soon and hang in there!

  2. hahahaha i love the pumpkin costumes. and WOW, utah is gorgeous.

  3. your halloween looks like a blast! i love j dawgs too! and im sure the orange buns were delish!
