Christmas Time!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Arizona truly has the most beautiful sunsets. I have been able to travel to some awesome places in the world known for their sunsets and I would still have to say...Arizona has the best Sunsets. Take Lake Powell for one example.

This was a big day for me! I got to go to the temple! I was so lucky to have so many members of my family and friends I have grown up with be there. The best part of the whole day was when one of my best friends Aimee and Scarlett came and gave me big hugs. It was so wonderful to know, we did it! We all made it together!
My cute mom helped me alot today! She showed me the ropes! Perfect day! After the temple, Mom, Jake and I went out to dinner at a new Indian food place. It was great! Their garlic naan was amazing! I would have to say the best I have ever had! After a wonderful dinner we went to Target for a great time! After that we went back to the temple to look at the temple lights! It was wonderful weather outside! Go Arizona!

Jake likes the lights on the ground.

The purple lights were my favorite.

A new holiday game. Wrap up items in yarn and children unravel the yarn and get a prize.
Finish product.
Mom is worlds best decorator! She always has the funnest decorations.
Kelsey Loves Bree Bree. Tonight is Christmas Eve! Mom has put together a fabouls Christmas program! We are all excited for a fun time!
Cute Morgan
yummy appetizers for the holiday dinner!
Mom was super excited to use her crockpot trio! We had burritos!
Party Kids
Mom and Aubs
cute alyssa
Jeff and David
Gavin was so cute. He has turned into quite the book worm. He was reading to all the kids. 

Playing the yarn game.

Alyssa was acting as a bunny! It was hilarious! She was hoping on the floor and crawling around!  I love that she loves taking pictures now! Its so fun!
Christmas Cozies now on!

Now time to play music chimes! Mom is a great conductor.
Chimes are always a big hit. Everyone of all ages loves it! We like to sing along to!
Bingo! Mom always picks out awesome prizes that you can pick if you win. Dad was great at calling out the numbers being picked.
A serious game. We each got two bingo boards to play.
Some of the prizes!
Remember when Aubrey picked out a Zhu Zhu and she got it stuck in her hair? This was a fabouls Christmas Eve! The next day on Christmas it was just Dad, Mom and I. We had a fun time playing together! We even went and saw Tron!
I saw these rocks on the shelf that Bryce had painted. I thought it was so cute. 
Every time I come home, I always crave Barrows! So we got yummy pizza and wings! Another bonus is that Hayley, Keith, Mallory, and Reed are now in town! Wahoo! Time to party! We get to spend new years with them! Today is new years! We are ready to party! Don't worry, all of us, and I mean all the children were troopers and stayed up till midnight!
Jeff and David put on an awesome firework show for us with the fireworks they won from Bingo!
This picture couldn't be any cuter! The kids were loving the fireworks!
Cute Alyssa watching threw the window! She soon came outside and couldn't stop jumping up and down! So cute!
Ah love this! Shane new it was loud out side. So cute.
Cutest face ever!
Having fresh orange juice is the best! Mallory was loving squeezing the oranges. She did such a great job!
So cute! Oh I love this girl not only because she is hilarious and so much fun, but because she thinks Tuna is real.
This has been the best Christmas holiday ever! I cant believe it is my last Christmas as a single girl! I love spending time with my family and having fun! Never a dull moment!

I had a few girl friends help me get more ready for getting married! Scarlett, Caitlin, Aimee, Tamran took me to dinner to the Cheese Cake Factory. It was so fun to see all of them! I am so upset we all forgot to take a picture to mark the occasion! I even brought my camera! I need to do better at that! Anyways we had a super fun time and they were even so sweet and brought me some cute outfits! Thanks team! Love you girls so much!