In December, the Christmas bells are ringing

Saturday, December 11, 2010

I love the holidays! Especially Christmas! Jake and I had a fun date day of going to Salt Lake! We went to get my ring resized at a cute shop, which did a fantastic sparkling job! We got to see Jakes old seminary teacher that worked at the jewelry shop. He was a great guy and seemed like he was an awesome Seminary teacher. After we went to the Joseph Smith Memorial building. 
We got to hear a couple of youth groups sing Christmas songs. They did a great job! I even got to see my friend Heathers  mom and little sister! They were there because she played the violin! I was sad we missed her play!
Jake sitting in the cozy chairs as we listen to the fun songs.
I have never noticed this cool chapel/church. It looks like Notre Dame.

On our way to see the Salt Lake Temple lights!
This is about as much as we saw this year. It started to snow. Still fun though!
This was a wonderful accomplishment for Jake. HIS HAIR FITS IN A PONY TAIL!  I was very proud.

Stacey is the best ever! Her and her brother went to Krispy Kreme and brought us some back! Thanks staceypants!
I got to make some holiday cupcakes for our Ward Christmas party.
I also volunteered to make treats for my english class. 
Trying to make brown frosting!
Tuna loved the cupcakes! He didn't want to give them away.
I was so excited I got to use this cupcake carrier two nights in a row!

I got to make pillows for all my sisters for Christmas!

The turtles become more and more cute to me every day. Mr. T and Max are so much fun lately.

Herbie, always the cutest! Don't tell the others I said that.

Since Tuna let me give all the other cupcakes aways he got to keep one. He still has it.
I was walking home from school and it looked so beautiful outside!
Packing up the apartment because quite the roommate party! My roommates provided some good entertainment to keep me going! After I got all packed up Jake and I started to move all our belongings over to our new apartment. It is kinda sinking in that we are getting married soon. 

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