HoneyMoon!!! off to Hawaii

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

After an awesome wedding day, and running threw some sparklers Jake and I headed off to the Royal Palms Resort in Scottsdale for two days! The hotel was awesome! When we first got there they came and brought us a cute desert. It was delicious and yummy!

This was the note that came with the desert. We liked the part that said, "Mr. and Mrs. Harris."
Our Caterers (awesome Jennifer Hall) put together a basket of all the food from the reception for us!  It was nice to have a  yummy meal to eat after a long, great day! The steak and pizzcookies were our favorite!
Our hotel was really close to Scottsdale Fashion Square Mall so we went and spent the afternoon there. We ate some yummy jalepeno and cheese Wetsel Dogs. After doing some shopping, we headed back to our hotel to go to the spa!
Tuna was waiting for us when we got home. He wanted to watch a movie.
This was our parlor/living room. 
This is the other side of the room. This is where they bring room service food for us to eat!
This is the patio with a fire place and couches for if we have guests over.
This is the guest bathroom off of the living room.
The hall way that connects everything.

The bedroom.
The patio off of our bedroom.
There was even an outside shower.
The bathroom in the master bedroom! It even had a cool old fashioned tub.
After a fun day of shopping and playing at the spa it was time to eat! We ordered some room service!
Yummy spinach and mushroom pizza! It was delicious!
These were yummy burger sliders with a side of fruit! These burgers were on a homemade focoscia bread. I could eat these for every meal because they are so yummy!
When they brought us the food they brought a table cloth, and the presentation was so nice!

We had a fabouls time at the Royal Palms. Now it is time for us to catch our early morning flight to Hawaii! We are so excited to catch some fun in the sun!
Arriving in Hawaii we were so excited! We walked the boardwalk and looked and went into many of the fun shops! Than we got some yummy dinner!
Our first day out and about we started with some Chinese food and yummy pineapple juice! Our hotel was right on the board walk. We had a fun time walking everywhere and seeing what Waikiki had to offer!
Jake infront of the drink shack.
We loved how everywhere all the signs were in a different language.
These are the birds you are not supposed to feed.
These pictures are all at the Waikiki International Market Place. It is like a fun swap meet with lots of yummy international food choices to pick from!
Before leaving the Market Place we had to grab another smoothie for the road.
The trees are so cool!
Awesome lime green moss.
Well, it started to get very windy....and it started to rain. It started to poor rain! We had to buy an umbrella and a sweater to keep us sheltered from the rain! Time to change plans from going to the outdoor Zoo today.

Walking to the Waikiki Aquarium.

Another cool tree.
Some of the trees roots are hanging from the trees!

Cute phone booth.
We made it! We got to see a lot of fun animals! They gave us cool head sets that we could listen to information about the animals we were seeing! I think the sea lions were my favorite!
Cute sea lion! We will come back and play with them later!

If you are 5 feet and 2 inches and were coral you would be........
Large sea poop?

Jake loves Octopus's. This octopus was so cute! He was so active and moving all around we had fun watching him.

We saw some of these cool fish when we were in the ocean.
I have always loved electric eels. When my sister Amber was first married, her and her husband had an awesome salt water aquarium. They had an eel that looked like this and I would sit and watch him all day when ever I got to visit them. I would would the eel open and close his mouth all day. Then I would do the same back. The eel and I would do that al day. It was a good stable relationship.
Look how cute the sea is! We even got to see him and his friend get fed! We had a great time at the aquarium! Whats a good way to end an aquarium day? Go to Cold Stone!
We got a yummy cookie dont you want some in cake batter ice cream! It was delicious! Nothing better than ice cream in the rain!
Then we were hungry for some food so we got some Burger King! Now back to the hotel!
Tuna likes to model in each room. I think he should look into maybe some more serious modeling options. Maybe hand modeling? He does like jewelry.

We ordered the movie Tangled because we got rained out. After watching that cute movie, I could watch it over and over! It was such a good movie!
Morning breakfast buffet! Yum!
We even had a super yummy omelet! We put jalepenos in it to!
This is our view out the window of our hotel! After a yummy breakfast we went and got ready in our swim wear for the days adventures! I was so excited about what we were going to do today! And so glad the rain clouds were not coming in yet! and hoped they didn't come!
Mountain/volcano from our room.
Here we just left the dock at the Hilton Hotel. We are about to go snorkeling.......
On the boat, getting our gear to play in the ocean!

The first thing we saw in the water! 

Were so excited! Now what we came here for! To swim with sea turtles!!!!!!!!!!!

Turtle number one!!!! We were so excited to see turtles! They look like our little turtles! Except these ones are quite a bit larger.... The fish like to eat the plankton off the shells.

This was the boat we came on. 

Whoaa! One swam right next to me! You can see him much more clear in the light of the sun! He came and took a breath of air right  by me!
Ok see how it looks like there is a head to the left and a head to the right with snorkel gear? Ok the head to the left is a turtle head! Its huge! These turtles were giant! Look, the turtle and human practically have the same size head!
The turtle going for a deeper dive! After a fun time with the turtles we got to eat treats on the boat! When we got back on land it was time to walk back to the hotel! The weather was starting to turn a bit colder. Thanks cute sea turtles for a great afternoon with you.
When the weather gets colder what do you do? Eat ice cream! We went to Yogurt Land! It was fantastic! Love the baby chocolate chips! I loved the cool spoons to!
After enjoying our yogurt we went home to get ready for our dinner reservation! We ate dinner at Ruth Chris! They asked us if we were celebrating anything and we just told them we had gotten married. When we got there, our table had cute colorful roses all over it!
Our yummy medium rare steaks! Don't forget to not touch the plate. It is 400 degrees. We got stuffed tomatoes, garlic potatoes and sauteed mushrooms for sides! They were great! We really liked our steaks because they melted in your mouth! I don't know if they were each worth 40 bucks though...
Mr. Ruth Chris was so kind and brought out himself a special desert for us to celebrate with! He even brought us a 25 dollar gift card off for our next visit. That was a very nice touch! Well be back! Thanks Ruth.
Wednesday was an adventurous day! When we woke up bright and early to drive to the other side of the island, it was pouring rain! Lots of rain! We picked up some great greasy McDonalds for breakfast as we drove to the temple. The drive was really pretty, but I bet it would of been absolutely beautiful if the sun was alive that day.
Tuna was the official navigator. For some reason, Martha's voice was not working on Jakes phone so Tuna told us when we needed to make turns. 
Jake did a great job driving around. We had a cute Kia rental car. It was a trooper. You will find out why it was such an awesome car later this day.....

Pulling up to the Temple! We got to do a session! We didn't know what time they started and we had just gotten there a little past one started, and the Temple President saw us come in and he went and told someone and we got to go do a session! It was great! Thank you kind man! After we got to do sealings! It was awesome because thats what we just did a few days ago!
After the Temple we headed over to the the Polynesian Cultural Center for a fun day!
Here we are in the parking lot and the rain is starting to poor even harder! We wonder if we will be rained out....
When we first arrived we ate a the lunch buffet.
Around the cultural center you can tour many Polynesian lands, but with the rain it made it a little hard to get around. I am so glad we bought an umbrella the first day we got there. It was well used and needed the whole trip. This picture was a Tehitian Hut.
This was yummy bread. I want to try and make it someday.
Watching some dancers do a show! They tried to teach us how to shake our hips!
It stopped raining for a few minutes! A turtle in the grass!
So many options....
Tuna sitting on a boat!
Jake and I learned how to make roses out of some tree materials.
The finished products.
We made these fish out of palm tree leaves!
Time for dinner, and still pouring rain, and even more rain, but the Hawaiians kept the show going. Nothing stopped them. They pulled a pig out of the ground to!
Dinner Buffet! We liked the purple rolls!
When coming into the show we were soaking wet, but guess what? We had front row seats! We were excited for the show to start and see a real lou ow (however you spell) begin! They even gave us flower necklaces to wear!
Front row! During the show a basket got thrown and hit me in the head. That was cool! It was also pouring rain and the  performers were soaking wet the whole time and the didn't make them stop! They were fantastic! We liked the flame throwing alot!
On our way home we got stuck in a flash flood. The water was up to the windows on our kia. We were stuck on a bridge with rushing water. It was for about half a mile long. Jake did a great job driving through it. They closed down that area of the road soon after we got out. We watched the news that night and found out it was the worst flood in twenty years. Houses were floating. Thats so sad.
Thursday started off a little rainy but it started to clear up a bit. We started off to the other side of the island again for a new adventure!
Were on a boat.....it pure brown ocean water...hopefully it clears up.

We are excited for this new adventure!

Cage diving with sharks! We were so happy we got to see 5+ sharks! The group that went before us didn't have any luck! We even saw a humpback whale breach.
See that finger close to the shark. We got up close and personal.
This bird was sitting on  the edge of the cage. He didn't leave the entire time. I think he was having fun looking at the sharks to. His beak was quite pointy and scary.
We were safe inside the cage....this was fun! Surprisingly it is not scary at all in the cage.
Look at the eyeball staring....
coming straight for us!
The sharks were pretty big. We saw all Tiger Sharks today. They were all probably about 5-8 feet long.
Jake was over the snorkel and held his breath. I liked having the snorkel.
Goodbye sharks! Thanks for coming to say hello! Nice to meet you!
There is a famous shaved ice store called Matsumutos. You can get ice cream and beans in your shaved ice.
See the beans in the shaved ice? Next time I will stick to just the ice cream inside. I am glad I tried it, but not my favorite mixture!
We were hungry so we stopped at a bus that was selling food on the side of the road! We got the steak and shrimp meal! It was fantastic! I am glad we split it because this was a ton of food!
This was the bus we ate at! The food was fantastic! Everywhere on the side of the road were buses, shacks selling food! They all looked delicious! Maybe someday well be able to try some more places like this!
The outside of Mastsumotos.
Next on the list...The Dole Plantation!
We got a Dole Whip! Its pineapple juice with pineapple yogurt! Delicious! They have these at Disneyland next to the Taki Taki Room. Try it!
We walked around the plantation. We liked this Ruby pineapple.

Cool tree we saw!

When we got to Peal Harbor we had just missed the closing time. It was like a deserted island. Well have to go another time.
Our cute little rental car.
This was a cool waterfall inside the hotel. We thought the turtles would love this, so someday we can make something like this for the turtles.
Looks perfect for turtles huh?
On our flight back to Arizona Tuna got his own seat. We slept the whole flight.
We got to spend a few days with my parents! Dad had a cute welcome home note for us hanging on the wall! Saturday we opened up wedding gifts! Holy cow, we were all so overwhelmed at how kind and generous people are. We felt so lucky and blessed. Thanks everyone! Then we went out to dinner with mom and dad to Outback Steak House. Then we packed up the car to drive home. Then my car would not start and it was midnight. Dad was sweet and stayed up and took car of everything and got the car a new battery! It worked great in the morning! Sunday we went to church and then headed home for a long drive! We are excited to have our own place and see what married life has in store :) Thank you everyone for the most perfect wedding!

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