Shanes SUPER Birthday

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aubrey planned the funnest birthday party for Shane! We got to go to a boucey gym for the fun activity! The kids had a blast!

Almost all the girls are here! It is so great to be with my family!
I love Reeds facial expressions!
Next, we went to Chick a fila for dinner! We got a special visit Mr. Cow because he knew it was Shanes birthday! All the kids were loving shaking the cows hand.
My good friend Miss Heather Parker came into town early for the wedding so we got the pleasure to have her company this wonderful evening! I loved how Mallory liked to be in every picture! She makes everything look good! Thanks for making a special appearance for us Mr. Cow!
Shane blowing out his birthday candles! He wanted race cars on a blue background for his cake. Aubrey did a great job on it!

Shane loves frosting. I remember last birthday when he licked off the frosting of about nine cupcakes. I am glad he knows about birthday privileges! Shane is to cute!
Yummy frosting!
So Shane got this awesome cow from Mr. Cow. I might of wanted it really bad. He lovingly let me have it. Thats a sweet boy, and a mean aunt.
A beautiful sunset to end the evening!

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