a COLORful week!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Seeing this license plate is a great way to start off the week.
Saturday night....of course PF Changs take out!
Monday was a fantastic morning! Jen was in town! We were all going to go snowboarding...but instead decided to sleep in and go to breakfast! It was a great choice! Stacey and Jen, what a thrill! Stacey and Jen, what a thrill! (you know that song...Beverly Hills what a thrill......Troop Beverly Hills) From a breakfast with seconds gone....it was a success!
A great reunion! Jimmer was sitting behind us and we were cracking up because everyone asked him for his autograph and to take pictures with him. We felt bad for his date.
This week has been fun filled with great movies! I love movies! Most of these reminded me the fun times with Aimee growing up! 
Tuesday afternoon I got to play with Kera and Tana in my new ward! It was fun to eat lunch with them and get to know them better! I made a fruit pizza to eat! It was delicious! I think I could eat fruit pizza everyday! Kera is quite the crafter as well and loves to make clothes. It was fun to see some of the things she had made. I love talking to fellow sewers.
Tuesday night in my cooking class we each made a pie and got to take it home and bake it! Even though this pie was great, it was also a pie from...... Yes it exploded juice all over the oven and made for some serious hours of oven cleaning. Thanks Jake for taking care of that!
Friday we made mini pizzas for dinner! We made them out of Rhodes rolls and Little Caesars crazy bread dipping sauce, with bacon and cheese on them! They surprisingly turned out great! I would recommend it!
Jake brought me a flower home! I am excited for it to start opening up!
I went threw all my clothes and shoes and got ride of alot of stuff! These were one thing I was sad to see go, but defiantly time to go.
Saturday was quite a cultural adventure day! Staceypants was awesome and made us breakfast in the morning! She made french toast out of cinnamon bread and it was fabouls! Then we all got our gear on and jumped in the car and rapped our way to the Festival of Colors. Welcome spring time!
After we parked the car, we had a trek to walk to get to the celebration. We noticed this little furry man on the side of the road. Tuna liked him and wanted a picture with him. He wanted to take him home, but we had to see.......Tuna is in a plastic bag because he was scared of the colors getting all over him, but he still wanted to enjoy the fun, so into the plastic bag he went!
Here is the group! It was a great time! TOP: Jake, Jake, MIDDLE: Stacey, Kelsey, Marin, Drew, BOTTOM: Megan
Preparing for battle. This takes mental and physical preparation.
All of us were getting antsy to throw our colors so we did some face painting to hold us over.
Lama! At the Hatui Crisna Temple there are lots of lamas! They really spice up the place! This one was really cute!
The cool temple! They have lots of food vendors and fun things to look at while waiting for the throwing of the colors. This year was different and they did a throwing of the colors every two hours. This event keeps getting bigger and bigger in Provo town.
Marin and Drew trying to feed the lama.
Family picture!

Rain boots were the best idea ever to wear!
I thought Marin and Drew looked cute face painting each other! Meagan and Marin had to hide there blonde hair from getting some serious color damage going on!
This super muddy ground from all the snow the day before made me really happy I had rain boots on!
After Jake tripped in the mud, it made me even more glad I had rain boots on!
Many people stay all day to play here! Lot of food, people and color to enjoy!
We decided to go into the crowd and dance with our fellow peers.  This was a swell time.

Stacey hair looks really good multi colored.

I dont know what Megan is doing in this picture, but I liked it. I guess the contrast of clean and not clean? 

Marin had to go to a bridal shower so they missed the last group pic! This was a wonderful adventure! Thanks team for a great day!
At this event they always burn a witch. This is to symbolize winter dying and spring coming alive! Pretty cool! Except the witches face is kinda scary!

Walking back to the car. Jake is trying to get color out of his ear. I have been blowing my nose for days since the event and my buggers are still purple.

Chewy was still on the side of the road! Stacey thought since he had not gotten up, he must be dead! She is such a great friend and gave him CPR and brought him back to life!
As Tunas godmother, Stacy knows him so well and thought he needed a new friend.  Stacey saved Chewy and brought him home. We put him in the washer and cleaned him twice, so I think its safe to say he's now part of the family! Since this event Stacey has now joined an animal rescue team. She is an inspiration to us all.
After dropping everyone off, we were starving and had to get some yummy J-Dawgs! Oh it was delicious! We did feel a little grimy having nasty hands and a chalky face, but the J-Dawgs was just as wonderful as always!

When we got home, two of our movies we bought with our Disney Movie Rewards came in the mail! Wahoo! Thanks Walter!
Then we got all cleaned up and it looked like someone was murdered in our shower because all the color had turned red. Creepy. Then we headed over to Golden Spoon for a wonderful treat and did some errands! 
Then we met up with Megan for a lovely dinner at PF Changs. I will start wearing makeup after this picture so I don't look like I am twelve in public. After looking around at the mall and a lovely dinner, Jake did some work while Megan and I got our Kong on.
Megan is also a child of the Donkey Kong era and shares the same love and passion for Donkey Kong that I do! I feel so fortunate we both found this out about each other. Well in the new Donkey Kong for the Wii, after you beat the game there is a secret land. To enter that land you have to had gotten all the KONGS and puzzle pieces for each level of the game. Megan and I started to do this. Let me tell you, this is hard work and can be considered a full time job to do. It takes about one to two hours per level to accomplish this, but it is well worth it I am sure.... 
Sunday was a fantastic day! Jake and I got a calling in our ward! We are so excited and feel like we got the best calling possible! We are teaching Sunday School to the 12-14 year olds! Wahoo! We cant wait! We get to teach our first lesson in two weeks! When we got home from church our landlord was so sweet and put dinner for us on the stairs! We were so excited!
This dinner was amazing! She even made homemade tarter sauce! This was fantastic! After dinner our friend Ruth came over! She is a fellow seamstress and in to politics so she is a blast to talk to! Then I went to a Visiting Teaching Fireside and got to see who my people I visit teach are! I am excited for that! A girl Kellie who I have not met yet and I are over three people. That will be fun! Then I came home and Jake and I made dinner, watched 1/2 a movie and played with Staceypants! Stacey was so sweet and made us some of her delicious homemade brownies! She is the best!
This has been a fantastic week! Wahoo!

Over Slept Weekend

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday night Jake had some work to do, so I got to play with Stacey Pants! I love love seeing her! It was fun, she came over to my place and we ate Cadbury eggs and talked! Then we went to yummy YogurtLand for some deliciousness!
Mini chocolate chips and gummy bears! Then Friday I got tired early, and went to bed early. Thats where the trouble began. The next day, Saturday, Jake and I were planning on going snowboarding! Well I was a bum and we slept till 10. Then we made some breakfast and got ready to head out to the mountain! This is only Jakes second time ever going snowboarding! His first time was last season.
Here is cute Jake ready to rock and roll down his first run of the season.
Of course we couldn't go snowboarding with out Tuna!
It is starting to snow hard...and harder....and harder......I think a blizzard is coming.
Look how great Jake is doing! He was starting to get the hang of doing is s curves and making them flow better.
This was after I tried to wipe the frozen snow off his beard. 
One of my favorite things about the Canyons is the Waffle Stand! We both got a torpedo style waffle which means it is a sugary cameralized waffle stuffed with belgium chocolate bars! Yum! This was just the break I needed to get warmed up in the lodge from the ridged cold outside :) After a yummy snack we progressed from the bunny hill, to the real mountain! Wahoo!
I thought it was funny watching these guys smoke in the snow.
After a great time, we stopped in Midway at Tamajaras, one of Jakes favorite Mexican restaurants! It was fabouls! We got carne asada burritos! They were delicious! A really cool thing about this restaurant is that they have over 30 homeade salsas! They were delicious! I want to come back here soon!
Here are a few of the yummy salsas we tried with homemade chips!
Another great thing about this restaurant is they are family friendly! 
Tuna liked being able to draw on the table. He drew a picture of Jake, Kelsey, Tuna and Pokey. I think he did a really good job interpreting us all into cartoon character. Well, when we got home from snowboarding, I think the cold weather made us really tired. We fell asleep at 6 till ten o'clock! Then we hurried and called PF Changs because I guess that is a new Saturday tradition until our gift card runs out.... Then we ate some yummy crab wontons and watched "Galaxy Quest" and "Surfs Up." I really enjoyed both movies. Surfs Up was so dang cute! Any kid would love it! Then we fell asleep till 10 am once again and got ready for church!

For breakfast we made yummy breakfast burritos! That was fun! At church, I got to say the opening prayer, and Jake got to say the closing prayer for Sacrament Meeting. In Sacrament the talks were on blessings of attending the temple! I need to get back into weekly gear on that. I really enjoyed the Sunday School lesson on the love of Christ, and the love that Christ has for all his children.

After church Jake and I ate some left over PF Changs and started to make some rolls and brownies for a pot luck dinner we went to tonight for the new comers in the ward in the past few months! We are really loving our ward and having fun in it! Now its time to sleep more..