Over Slept Weekend

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friday night Jake had some work to do, so I got to play with Stacey Pants! I love love seeing her! It was fun, she came over to my place and we ate Cadbury eggs and talked! Then we went to yummy YogurtLand for some deliciousness!
Mini chocolate chips and gummy bears! Then Friday I got tired early, and went to bed early. Thats where the trouble began. The next day, Saturday, Jake and I were planning on going snowboarding! Well I was a bum and we slept till 10. Then we made some breakfast and got ready to head out to the mountain! This is only Jakes second time ever going snowboarding! His first time was last season.
Here is cute Jake ready to rock and roll down his first run of the season.
Of course we couldn't go snowboarding with out Tuna!
It is starting to snow hard...and harder....and harder......I think a blizzard is coming.
Look how great Jake is doing! He was starting to get the hang of doing is s curves and making them flow better.
This was after I tried to wipe the frozen snow off his beard. 
One of my favorite things about the Canyons is the Waffle Stand! We both got a torpedo style waffle which means it is a sugary cameralized waffle stuffed with belgium chocolate bars! Yum! This was just the break I needed to get warmed up in the lodge from the ridged cold outside :) After a yummy snack we progressed from the bunny hill, to the real mountain! Wahoo!
I thought it was funny watching these guys smoke in the snow.
After a great time, we stopped in Midway at Tamajaras, one of Jakes favorite Mexican restaurants! It was fabouls! We got carne asada burritos! They were delicious! A really cool thing about this restaurant is that they have over 30 homeade salsas! They were delicious! I want to come back here soon!
Here are a few of the yummy salsas we tried with homemade chips!
Another great thing about this restaurant is they are family friendly! 
Tuna liked being able to draw on the table. He drew a picture of Jake, Kelsey, Tuna and Pokey. I think he did a really good job interpreting us all into cartoon character. Well, when we got home from snowboarding, I think the cold weather made us really tired. We fell asleep at 6 till ten o'clock! Then we hurried and called PF Changs because I guess that is a new Saturday tradition until our gift card runs out.... Then we ate some yummy crab wontons and watched "Galaxy Quest" and "Surfs Up." I really enjoyed both movies. Surfs Up was so dang cute! Any kid would love it! Then we fell asleep till 10 am once again and got ready for church!

For breakfast we made yummy breakfast burritos! That was fun! At church, I got to say the opening prayer, and Jake got to say the closing prayer for Sacrament Meeting. In Sacrament the talks were on blessings of attending the temple! I need to get back into weekly gear on that. I really enjoyed the Sunday School lesson on the love of Christ, and the love that Christ has for all his children.

After church Jake and I ate some left over PF Changs and started to make some rolls and brownies for a pot luck dinner we went to tonight for the new comers in the ward in the past few months! We are really loving our ward and having fun in it! Now its time to sleep more..

1 comment

  1. Kels you have some really awesome artist skills that I"m not sure were appreciated in our home growing up. I'm glad you've kept up your talent. Love that Staceypants. Love you.

    and as usual I've left comments on ALL your posts :)
