Happy St. Patricks Day!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I love the holidays! Hope everyone remembered to wear green! Some how I end up making cupcakes every holiday? Probably not the most healthy tradition! I think this was the first time I have ever made cupcakes and it was enough to make 24 cupcakes. Somehow I always feel it only makes 18 or so cupcakes.  Last night in my cooking class I learned how to make a really yummy frosting, so I made it for the cupcakes! 
24 cupcakes finished and done! That took a bit of more time than I expected! Tonight we are going on a St. Patricks day double date! I am excited! Happy St. Patricks Day everyone! Come over please and help me eat these cupcakes!
Monday was a great day! I got to make crafts all day and watch movies! I watched so many old movies Aimee and I used to watch over and over our whole childhood! It was fun! When Jake got home from work, we got his brother Cameron and headed up to West Jordan to meet Joanna, Nathan and Clair at an Indian Restaurant for some good food. Sadly Clair got car sick and threw up several times.....

With a lot of throw up to clean up.. Nathan and Joanna were running late and I was starving! We decided to get a snack next door and Chickfila. Look how cool these new ketchups are!! I thought they were so rad it deserved its own picture!

Wednesday my old friend Candace Shields was having a bridal shower! She is getting married in April! So exciting!


  1. Kelsey you are such a cute wife! I miss you and our fabulous movies we use to watch

  2. Kelsey, your blog is awesome and you and your husband are the cutest thing ever!! consider me your newest follower :) hope you are doing super!


  3. that's funny- I pretty much freaked out over the new chick file ketchup packets as well :) we must be sisters.
