Just Organic Juice

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Just Organic Juice Review
Just Organic Juice Review
Just Organic Juice Review
Just Organic Juice Review

This past weekend Jake and I did a 3 day juice cleanse with Just Organic Juice.  We have done a 3 day juice cleanse with them over a year ago, and thought with it being a new year it was time for another.  We don't do juice cleanses often but think it's a fun idea once a year.

With juice cleanses they recommend doing just the juice for your food for the days to get the full effect.  Jake and I still like to eat with our cleanses.  To be honest, from all the juices, I am so full from drinking so much I just eat little snacks like toast and peanut butter, a handful of cashews, grilled chicken and things like that.

This year for our cleanse Jake and I both choose the option to make our own custom set.  I'm always surprised at how you can drink an entire day's worth of calories in juice form!  Just Organic Juice mentioned that there is about 7 pounds of veggies/fruit in each drink!  Here is what Jake and I both ordered below:

1) Wholly Greens- Spinach, Lemons, Romaine, Mint, Cucumber - 80 Calories
2) Greatfruit N Mint- Mint, Grapefruit- 194 Calories
3) Skin Deep- Cucumber, Beets, Carrots - 144
4) Green Rush- Spinach, Parsley, Green Apples, Carrots - 140 Calories
5) Seeds Deep- Pitaya Fruit, Coconut Water, Chia Seeds, Pineapple - 286 Calories
6) Almonddelight - Raw Almond, Filtered Water, Dates, Cinnamon - 430 Calories
Calorie Total = 1,274  (My favs were Greatfruit N Mint, Seeds of the Day, Almond Delight)

1) Green Envy - Spinach, Cucumber, Parsley, Celery, Dandelion, Apple, Pear, Lemon, Ginger - 140 Calories
2) Pineapple Jalepeno- Jalepenos, Pineapple - 260 Calories
3) Roots - Carrot, Beet, Celery, Dandelion, Lemon - 100 Calories
4) Chloro-Feel-Good - Spinach, Romaine, Parsley, Kale, Green Apple - 120 Calories
5) Just Beet It - Carrot, Apple, Beet, Lemon, Ginger - 180 Calories
6)  Cacao Almondelight - Caco, Raw Almond, Dates, Cinnamon, Filtered Water, Vanilla Bean - 600 Calories
Calorie Total=  1,400 (Jakes favs were Green Envy, Pineapple Jalepeno, Just Beet It)

 I will be honest, a juice cleanse is super hard.  Not because of the flavor (they taste amazing actually!), but because you need to be drinking a juice every few hours.  You're supposed to have a drink every 2-3 hours.  I would say it's worth it though because you feel so good and refreshed after!  It's a great reboot for your body to get a large intake of veggies and fruit!

If you have ever wanted to try a juice cleanse, now is your chance!  Today Just Organic Juice is offering 20% your entire order with code with JOJ20.  If you live around the Salt Lake area you can stop by the store and use this code. Or order online for pick-up or delivery (within the Salt Lake area)!

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a wonderful day!

Just Organic Juice 3 Day Juice Cleanse Review

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