A last great week of Feburary

Sunday, February 28, 2010

This has been a wonderful week! So many great things happened! When Jake and I went bowling on his birthday, he lost in bowling, so the bet was whoever lost had to write the other person a note a day for a week. It was great getting a cute note from him each day. Jake always drew fun pictures and folded the notes really cool. I loved getting the notes each day.
Elton John and Billy Joel Came to town. I would like to get some glasses like his.Kneaders brownies (German chocolate brownie) is still the best in town and truly can cure any mad chocolate craving. Taco bell 99 cent chicken burritos and mexican pizzas are fantastic, and really healthy.Easter candy is truly the best candy of any holiday season! Cadburry and Reese's eggs are the best!!! After college class, Jake and I went to the bookstore to buy chocolate covered cinnamon bears, and ended up getting some Easter candy as well! yum!Went to Wallaby's Barbecue and saw my hand-print on the wall. I was so excited to see it there because I completely forgot about it!
Meat and potatoes. Quite a hardy meal. It was a lot yummier than I expected. They also give students a 25% discount! That is a nice touch.My friends Nicole and Breanna said I must give "Farrs" one more chance. I was quite hesitant, but after eating this yummy combo of white chocolate yogurt, kit kat, and pretzel, I will go to "Farrs" anytime and get this combo! I think if you get more than one combo of yogurt flavors it melts to fast, but if you get only one flavor, then it is fine. My new bike riding goal.For hair school, on Monday they are having a photo shoot. Nicole, Breanna and I went to a store called Taylormaid. It has costumes, wigs, and almost anything imaginable there. It is almost scary. The blue and red wig I thought were pretty cool, and we thought about making something of that sort. Nicole and I seared threw magazines for hours and looking at hair and makeup photos online to try and come up with something we wanted to do for our photo shoot. We decided though that we are just going to do the next photo shoot next month at school. Not enough time to prepare for what we wanted to do. I went back and started looking through a bunch of photos from when I did makeup school. That was fun. Here are a few.
Bed time!At night time, I usually get the luxury of getting read a bed time story, family prayer, and being tucked in like a "burrito" as Stacey would call it. Stacey tucked me in and put Mr. Dinosaur on my face to eat me, or to snuggle with for the night. Shes the greatest.
I ran out of grocery's and need to go to the store, so I have been eating out a lot for my lunches. Went to "Noodles and company." They are awesome there! I got the pad thai with peanut sauce. Way yummy. On your birthday, they even give you a free meal! But its not my birthday, so I bought it with my money I earned from doing eyelash extensions. This week has been fun because I got to do 3 new clients eyelash extensions. At hair school the back sink broke in the dispense, so Nicole and I were board, and we decided to clean it. It was full of unwashed color bowls and junk. The entire sink. I was embarrassed to put the before and after pick up, so you just get to see the after, with our cool stop sign we made. haha But for being in hair school for over a year now, this was my first big mess I have seen. Not to shabby.For Friday date night, Jake and I went rock climbing and met up with MJ. I tried to climb my first 10a. That was exciting for me! Wahoo! Then we went to the Bean Museum on BYU campus.
Eskimo Kiss with a rhino. A wild cat bit my head. A man sized bear. A beautiful sunset.

I am amazed at how many cool museums and exhibits that are all around campus and are FREE! It is great! The Bean, and dino museum are my favorites! There are still many to be found and explored! We had fun walking around the museum and taking pictures with the animals. Then we went and picked up food! Jake got In-and Out burger and I got Cafe Rio. There sweet pork is the best meat ever! It is very tender and juicy! The portion size of the meal though, is huge and can feed a family.I love date nights with Jake!

One of my best friends of all time, that I met last year, moved to San Fransisco to work as a big girl in Cooperate America. She needed to get her weave fixed, so this was great news, she was coming into town to visit! Her and I got to go snowboarding Saturday morning! It was the best feeling ever having her there, and it happened to be the most beautiful day out and fresh powder to play in on every run! I am sooo happy I got to see Jen and play with her! A beautiful day on the Mountain. An amazing creation, and great joy! A homeless person on the mountain.Jen = hardcore. Taking the gondola back from the mountain to the parking lot. What a great day!Jens favorite restaurant is Outback Steak house, so Jen, Stacey and Jake and I all went out to dinner there. We had the best waiter that in all of my eating out experiences in life, she really was the best waiter I have ever witnessed. She was super kind, always refilling drinks, repeated our order back to us, and....brought us tons, and tons of bread! It was truly bottomless bucket of bread. Outback has great bread, and it is really yummy dipped in ranch. I feel like anything to add on the extra calories makes food really good. ha haSince Jen was in town, we needed to return back to our old ways of terrorizing Joesph. We went to jump in the Krispy Kreme dumpster, and sadly there were no doughnuts. It was only full of dough. We have already tried that one to before where we got the dough and tried to make our own donuts, but they didn't taste nearly as good, and it was ridiculously messy. But, that was half the fun of it. It was a sad day to leave the dumpster empty handed.Sadly, Staceypants phone was broken, so we went to the Apple store to see if there was anything they could do. Jen, Jake and I stood in amazement as we watched Stacey's interaction with the computer man. Her foot action was so entertaining, and mesmerizing. I think this means she is in love.Despite not having any donuts to drop off at Josephs doorstep we went to see if he was home. Sadly he was not. This is us, sad and upset he is not home. (I feel his picture looks identical to the one in front of the dumpster.) We than went to Walmart to look for friendship rings because the 3 musketeers were finally all back together. To our shock and amazement, Walmart didn't even have friendship bracelets! I am still devastated! But I did by the movie "Love Potion # 9." Even since I have heard that song as a child I have been wanting to see the movie. Then we dropped Jake off, and finished the night off, for a girls night out! Excpet the fact that we were all really tired, and went to bed. I did get to get some cleaning done on my room though, so that was a great feeling.

On Sunday, I was at meetings from noon until 9:30 at night. I love Sundays so much, and really enjoy them, sometimes I just wish there was more time in the day on Sundays. Woke up around 10 and made chocolate chip pancakes (i think this is now my new Sunday morning tradition), and went to the ward council meeting. We have so many fun activities planned! I am excited! Our next big one is sledding at Solider Hollow! That will be a blast!!!! In church, all the talks were on hope. Then in Sunday School the lesson was on "living in the world, but not of it." I thought some great points that were brought up on having balance with the gospel and real life were, putting Christ first in your life, surrounding yourself around good friends, and having your priorities right by putting Christ/gospel first and everything else will fall into place. For our ward prayer, we have the cutest girl and boy in charge of it. Each week they choose the funniest questions to ask at the apartment spot light, and go all out for treats! This week they had smores! They put the smores in the oven and brought them out and they were great to eat! Jake had a great idea of putting his in the freezer and that looked awesome! Then, Jake and I finally fished our piggy banks! wahoo!!!!! They turned out so cute! I now only spend dollars and keep my change so I can put it in my piggy! Yes, maybe that is defeating the purpose of a piggy bank. Spending money to get change to put in my piggy? I am so grateful Jake is great with computers. He helped me transfer a bunch of stuff off of my computer to my hard drive, and now my computer is not freezing up all the time! That is great news!This week Jake and I also got to go to the temple together for his ward and do baptisms. That was a blast. This was a great week full of rock climbing, hair school, hair school, (I now have 1530 hours completed of hair school and 470 left! yes!) collage, food, church and friends! It was the best seeing Jen this weekend! I am dying to take a trip up to San Fransico to go visit her! Hopefully someday soon!

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