Wonderful people

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

You know those days when you feel so blessed to have run into so many amazingly nice, thoughtful people? Today was defiantly one of those days. At hair school this morning, the lady that owns the school brought be a bunch of trim and fabric that's she had because she knew I would have fun making headbands or something with it all. That was really thoughtful and sweet. I am amazed how people go the extra mile to do something so kind for someone else. Hair school was good but long long long, and when I came home my roommate Stacey had gotten me a slice of pumpkin chocolate chip bread from our favorite "great harvest." And to top this all off, dad sent me flowers and the nicest note. I really do have the sweetest, most loving father of all time. He always gets me bright, colorful flowers because he knows there so fun and I love them that way! I am so grateful for people showing love to others. It really makes me want to step it up and make sure I make and find opportunities to serve others and show them I really do love them by my actions. I am so lucky to have such great people like this in my life. For some reason lately I feel really dehydrated, and I happen to no longer have water bottles, so I went to the lovely "target" to get a few. I am so excited to use them! Next, got my yogurt fix at "yozone." My favorite yogurt shop around here. Toppings of brownies, cookie-dough and baby gummy bears, you can't go wrong. Then went to Jake's and we watched LOST and The Bachelor. It was a fun time. I just finished up some homework and am off to never never land. What a great day! Today I am grateful for thoughtful people, beanie baby unicorns and a cozy Yoda backpack. Also, Jake's mom sent him a yoda action figure and he is letting me borrow it to play with! Thanks mama Harris!

1 comment

  1. Kelsey, you do such a great job at being kind and helping people. I love that about you.
