Best Morning Ever!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Best morning ever! Woke up bright and early to take Staceypants to the airport. That was sad but it was fun catching up and having a good drive together. It rained super hard the whole time. Driving in the rain is one of my all time favorite things! Then I got to go to the homegoods store. While waiting for it to open I played my Nientendo 3D and finished and beat the Pirates of the Caribbean Lego game! It hasn't even been half a week since I have had that game....woops....It was the best sitting the car listening to the rain and playing! Then I got an awesome display stand for some crafts and headed over to IKEA. To my shock they had some light fixture guts I have been wanting so bad! Go Ikea! Then driving home it was still pouring rain! Love it! Then I got to go say Hi to Jake at work and then head home. Now it gets even better. Coolio, Gangsters Paradise came on the radio! That song has so many amazing memories for me! I sang every word! Then Savage Garden-I want you came on. Could this day get any better? NO! Then for lunch had left over pizza!...the best! and Now I get to set up crafts on the new display and make some bags! I love life! I also got to talk to friends and family on the phone the whole way home! What a great day and its only noon! Time to get some sewing on! Oh yes, and Tunas dino egg is almost hatched!

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