a pirates life for me!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

This week has been the best ever! Loved every moment of it! Well, after Staceys going away party Monday night, she called and asked if I could give her a ride to the airport! OF COURSE! I was sad to take her to leave, but glad to have some fun time with her! We left bright and early for her flight! It was super rainy out, as it was all week! After I dropped her off at the airport I drove over to the HomeGoods store. While I waited for the store to open I played on my new Nientedo 3D and played Pirates! I beat the game, so now I am just going back and playing to get all the extra secrets! It was the best ever listening to the rain! Oh I love the rain! and driving in the rain! Then I went to the store and found some fun stuff! While I was on my way home I decided to stop and look around IKEA.
I felt like the trip was a success! I was able to get some lamp fixtures I have been wanting! I have looked at every hard wear store, and all different kind of store looking for these! and out of all places...IKEA! I also was able to get some candles I needed! wahoo!
Then some how I ended up going to the fabric store again.......and went and got Jake a surprise! I love my 3D Nientedo so much, I thought I would get Jake one! I am going to be out of town and thought he should have something fun to do while I am gone! He finished his Pokemon game and loved it so much (100 plus hours put into it) that I thought he should get a new one! Also I loved my Lego game so much I got him the Star Wars one! wahoo!
Tunas dino egg is growing really super slowly. Maybe someday it will come out of its shell. 
Then to top off an awesome Tuesday....We went to Rubios! Today we didn't get our original tacos and got a shrimp burrito! It was good, but I think nothing is better than there tacos and amazing salsa! Then the "squeeze of the day" deal was buy one Jamba get one Jamba free! So of course we had to go! And then...I had a free loaf of bread at Great Harvest...so we got one of those to! What a great time!
Tuna likes Jamba.
Then dad sent us an awesome package! He is the best at his hand outs and  he sent us a bunch a great hand outs and teaching tools for our Sunday School class! Wahoo! Best dad ever!
Anyone love Disney Movie Rewards? Ok its the best thing ever! We get so many fun free movies from it! Thanks Walter. I am excited to watch Ella Enchanted! I have not seen this movie forever!
The turtles are my pride and joy! I think they are way to cute! I love when they sit on the rock and just let go and stretch their legs out. So dang cute. It is time to give the turtle tank a clean.

Wednesday! I woke up, got ready and got to meet my freind Ruth for lunch at PF Changs! Love it there! It was fun to get to know her better! Then I got to make crafts all day! Jake was a gem and helped my by starting to make me some labels for my crafts! He is the best!  I got to do an eyelash client, and then watch Americas Next Top Model! Wahoo! I was so shocked Brittany won! I liked her! Way to go!

Thursday we went to these two love birds wedding reception! Eric and Kimmi! They were so cute and looked so happy! We were all in the same singles ward, so it was fun to see them get together and eventually get married! Congratulations you two!
At the reception they had waffles! So cute! They were delicious! Looking at this picture, I want another one! Oh the yummy chocolate syrup! It was great to see some friends from my old singles ward! I love seeing people!
On our way home we saw the Timpanagos Temple. It was really pretty after a light rain!
Thursday night Jake fished all my labels! They have a front and backside! I love them! I am now ready for my upcoming boutique! Wahoo! Friday I spent the whole day cutting them out and whole punching! I think they make the products look so cute!
Tuna was a great help putting labels on everything. He is such a great friend. Well, when Jake got home, he had a surprise date planned! We started off getting yummy Chick a fila! So yummy..then we headed over to the movies! 
Guess what we saw???!?!?!! YES!!!! Pirates Four! It was awesome! Loved it all! I love PIRATES!

I liked that I felt in the movie there was just one plot going on instead of a few plots for each character. It was easier to follow along! Megan was going to come to the movie with us but she ended up having to take dinner to a friend in need, and so we all went to In and Out Burger! Yum! I got a yummy shake!
A trip to In and Out Burger is only complete after playing with the stickers!
There is a super cool game on the 3DS that you take pictures of people and shoot tennis balls at them and it makes their faces do funny things. It fun! Well I had, Jake and Tunas face, and some of Tunas animals friends faces, but need more. So I got Megan's face. She tried playing the game. She liked it! Everyone in the store was looking at us weird because for the game you have to move all around. I think maybe they thought we were video taping them. We weren't. Just playing a game! Then after some yummy food, we headed over to our place to play DONKEY KONG! What a great game! Megan and I are getting so far in that game! We played till one am!
Saturday was a great day! We got to go get Costco for lunch! Always delicious! Then we got some samples, saw Heather because she works there, and got Claire a birthday present for her birthday party later Saturday night!
Then we went to the mall to get some screen covers for our Nientedos! Then we went to Cold Stone. We got Cookie Dont You Want Some? but replaced the ice cream with Oatmeal Cookie Dough Batter ice cream! So good! Must try!
Then after some yummy ice cream..of course we went to Gardner Village. Then we  went to the Miller Motorsports Park in Tooele. It was a blast! Sunday we discovered we were bitten by tons of bugs, but worth it! It was so much fun!
This is what I call a great time! 40 mph!
No seat belts! Tuna sat on my lap the whole time! He held on so tight! The whole time he was yelling, go faster! At the end I spun out! That was the best part!
Then for the whole reason we went out to Toole! Cute little Claires Birthday Party! She was so cute! We ate cookies, played with family and bounced some balloons! It was a great time!
Well, Saturday night we got home late from all our adventures. We whipped up our Sunday School Lesson and some rice crispy treats! We are in charge of another class tomorrow so we just made some simple treats! Then the night ended with some great Pirates Lego Game! Wahoo!
Sunday morning I woke up to this picture. Yes.....I still sleep with animal friends.... This has  been a great week!

Sunday we had our lesson, went to church, came home, talked to family and friends, and watched some Office! Great time! Happy Birthday Cami! I love you!

Oh and great news!!!! Tomorrow, MONDAY NIGHT THE BACHLORETTE STARTS!  Wahoo!  I am excited for that!

put a bow on it!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

I go through some bad obsessions. This week it is still ipad covers and BOWS! I think bows make everything look so cute! Here are some new projects I have been working on! These red ones remind me of Mini Mouse. I like her.






Best Morning Ever!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Best morning ever! Woke up bright and early to take Staceypants to the airport. That was sad but it was fun catching up and having a good drive together. It rained super hard the whole time. Driving in the rain is one of my all time favorite things! Then I got to go to the homegoods store. While waiting for it to open I played my Nientendo 3D and finished and beat the Pirates of the Caribbean Lego game! It hasn't even been half a week since I have had that game....woops....It was the best sitting the car listening to the rain and playing! Then I got an awesome display stand for some crafts and headed over to IKEA. To my shock they had some light fixture guts I have been wanting so bad! Go Ikea! Then driving home it was still pouring rain! Love it! Then I got to go say Hi to Jake at work and then head home. Now it gets even better. Coolio, Gangsters Paradise came on the radio! That song has so many amazing memories for me! I sang every word! Then Savage Garden-I want you came on. Could this day get any better? NO! Then for lunch had left over pizza!...the best! and Now I get to set up crafts on the new display and make some bags! I love life! I also got to talk to friends and family on the phone the whole way home! What a great day and its only noon! Time to get some sewing on! Oh yes, and Tunas dino egg is almost hatched!

all over the place

Monday, May 16, 2011

This week has been a blast! We got to do tons of fun things and hang out with a lot of friends which we usually don't get to do! Monday was a great day! For Family Home Evening we got to play a game! My sister Amber rocks because for Christmas, she made us all these super elaborate and way fun FHE kits! They are full of lesson plans and activities! It is wonderful! We use them almost every week! 
Tuesday was an exciting day! Jake and I got a package in the mail from my dad! Growing up my dad would go to California when he was starting a business there and he would always bring all my sisters and I back new In and Out Shirts! It was always the best! Him and my mom went to In and Out and saw that they had black shirts now, so my dad got Jake  and I some! I am so excited to sport the AZ shirt! The super cute thing about my dad is he got us one of every size to make sure we would have one that would fit! Dads are the best! Not only did he send it in a cute package wrap, he wrote us a great note with a surprise in it!

Tuesday Jake and I also got to go to our traditional Rubios for dinner! Even though we knew we had a church activity in an hour with dinner, we were hungry before so we made a pit stop to Rubios! Later that night our Ward had a Mothers Day activity. They got catered food for all the women in the ward. It was so fun to have a second yummy dinner that night and hang out with some of the women in our ward. I really like our ward! Jake was a trooper and helped set up tables, serve food and clean up!
My new mothers day shoes! Thanks Jake! I love them! I had a few shoes I have had my eye on and Jake picked these ones out for me for mothers day! He is such a sweet boy!
I am obsessed with the fabric store and cant stop going......I am becoming out of control. Wednesday night I was on a roll sewing and having a great time! All week Jake  and I have been looking forward to Wed. so we could watch "Americas Next Top Model! I was sad to see Hannah go. She was my favorite. I felt she was defiantly the sweetest and nicest girl on there!

I want this outfit....It is fantastic!

Thursday Jake and I got to go play with some of his friends at Justin and Melinda's. They put on an awesome bbq! It was fantastic! Amazing guacamole, deserts, brawts, chicken, hamburgers, grilled pineapple,...the spread was endless. After we all caught a 9:30 show of FAST FIVE at Thanksgiving Point. It was the first time I saw a movie there! So I warned Jake of my obsession with Vin Diesel..but I don't know if he knew what he was in for. I am still talking about him everyday! So we heard the movie was good, but that is under-rated! It was awesome!!!!! I think about it constantly! Fast cars, huge scams, racing, lets just say it made steeling 11 million a piece really appealing. Just kidding...Anyways it was an awesome action movie! We are buying that one for sure! Now it is time for a Fast and Furious movie marathon till Fast Five comes out of video to watch it again!

So serious...

Friday was a great day! When Jake got home from work we were able to go do a temple session. That was great! After we went to our favorite J-Dawgs for dinner! I got extra jalepenos and sauce and it was delicious! Then we headed over to Nickel City! I have always wanted to go there and was so glad I finally got to go! It is so fun! Every game only costs 5 cents! You pay a $2.75 cover charge for person and then we bought a $5 bag of nickels! We played games for about hour and a half! It was a great time! After we even got to take our tickets to the front desk and buy prizes! We had 482 tickets!
With our tickets Tuna picked out a 300 ticket egg, and Jake and I got an airhead and laffy taffy.
Driving home, or course we went to YOGURT LAND! We love that place to much! It is so delicious! Then Jake said, want to stop at Best Buy? Then I said, yea that sounds fun! It probably was a bad thing that we went....Well we demoed a Nientedo 3D and were liking it! Have I ever said Jake loves Pokemon and plays it all the time on his handheld Nietendo? Well, he thought it was time for me to get one! So we bought the 3D gameboy! I thought this Pirates of the Caribbean game looked great! Let me tell you, it is a blast! They Lego characters are hilarious! They need to make full length Lego movies! I am loving the game! When we got home Friday night we played Nienendo till the wee hours of the night. 
Saturday we got to sleep in! We made chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast! Then got ready to go out and do some errands. Before we left...It was time to put Tunas egg in water, and wait for it to hatch!
Tuna threw his egg in the water. Now time to wait...and wait...and wait..for it to hatch. What ever could be inside?
On our drive up to Salt Lake. We got to stop at Gardner Village, and then Pottery Barn at Trolley Square to pick up a Galvanized Metal 3 Tier Stand I wanted to put crafts on! Then we went to the Apple Store because I was not to smart of a cookie and put the San Disk from the Camera into the CD drive on the computer and got it stuck. They were able to help at the store and used tape to get it out!
For dinner we had Burger King! It was really good!
When we got home, Tuna was dying to see if his egg had any progress! The outer shell was starting to crackle. Then we made brownies and planned our lesson for tomorrows Sunday School lesson.
Oh of course....one more stop to the fabric store...
Sunday morning we got to wake up to this! I couldn't sleep well and woke up at 6:00 am, so I got to listen to General Conference online and do some things around the house. Church went great! I really like our new ward! Sunday School went well. We even had two kids visiting that their family is investigating the church.

After church Jake and I made dinner and then headed over to a park. We brought our gameboys and got to sit and enjoy the sunshine! Then it got cold, so we headed home! When we got home I was so tired I feel asleep! When I woke up I got to eat brownies and talk to my dad on the phone! It was great!

I am excited to see what is inside Tunas egg. It is taking a lot longer than I thought it would to hatch.
Have you tried these new Reeses? They are super cute and defiantly mini! I don't love them though because the peanut butter does not seem to thick. Jake loved them though and finished off the bag.
Monday May 16, 2011 has been a great day! I have been sewing big bows all day! I love sewing bows! Tonight is Staceypants going away party, so I got to make some treats for it! I felt pink frosting was perfect for the occasion. I am excited to see Stacey tonight, but sad to see her go!

All matching girls! I love seeing my friends! Jake likes when I see my friends to becuase he says I am always extra happy and extra nice after I get to play with my friends! Jake and I got to go to Staceys going away fiesta and we are sad to see her go. She is the best. Megan was so sweet and gave me a graduation gift! She got me the funniest card I need to take a picture of and it sings a song! and a Jamba gift card! My favorite! I have the greatest friends! They all make me feel so great! I told Megan about my new Nitendo. She was so excited for me. I love talking to Megan about Nitendo because she gets it. She knows how I feel.
Well, I feel the person to be most sad about Staceypants leaving is Tuna. He asked her to give him a good bye kiss. I am glad Tuna has a locket with Staceys picture in it to hold him over till she gets back. Stacey you will be missed! We love you!