Monday, June 27, 2011

This was a great week! I got to go out to lunch for some yummy indian food with some friends from my ward. Lizza, Rachel and Tanya! It was fun to talk and eat some good stuff! After a great meal I got to hang out at Lizzas for a while :)

Tunas birthday present came in the mail! Yes, Jake ordered this from Hong Kong when I was out of town.
Jake also ordered himself a new Star Wars lunch box!
                                       It is a small lunch box but luckily it fit all of his lunch goodies!
Jake has been the best and has been coming grocery store shopping with me! I have been loving it! We got some yummy gelato on our way out and it was great! To bad it upset Jake lactose and tolerant stumic.... For the rest of the week I was a bum and sewed a little, read quite a bit and finished the rest of the series for Percy Jackson and the Olympians! They were all fantastic books! I loved them! The last four I think were the best! Now I am onto reading Rick Riordan's next series about Egyptians gods. First book is called The Red Pyramid and I am about half way done. It has been action packed the whole time and I am loving it!

Friday I headed off to..........GIRLS CAMP!
My friend Lizza came and picked me up and we headed to Heber to go join the girls at camp! Most of the leaders had to leave early and we lucked out being able to go in thier place! Wahoo! Well on our way up the girls needed a few supplies so we headed over to Tonys Tacos to get a bite to eat before we headed to the camp grounds!
Here we have made it to camp! We got to play with the girls and help set up some pedicure stations! The girls had fun. Then we colored, made hair clips and hung out before dinner got started.
These are onions! Huge huh! Notice they take up half a bench! Big onions! We got to eat them with our Indian Fry Bread Dinner that one of my cute Sunday School girls Bailey made! She did awesome!
This place was beautiful! Hot durning the day and cold at night!
After dinner we went to camp roll call. The YCL's did a skit and this girl was cracking me up who taped baby doll arms on her arms. She was cracking me up. It might of been the deer head she was wearing as well. Anyways, that night was testimony meeting. It was wonderful! It was so amazing seeing some of these girls from Sunday School who I love so much share their testimonies! I have the best class ever! I am amazed how strong these girls are.
After testimony meeting it was time to party at the camp fire and make smores! Yes, I love my mallows burnt! But we used the jumbo huge marshmallows and it was the best! After we all played till one am......or longer and went to bed! I got to share a tent with my two girlfriends Jennifer and Cameron :)
Saturday morning it was a big clean up day! It was not to bad! Then we headed home after eating some yummy breakfast sandwiches! In this picture is Jadin, Lizza, and Iggy. We thought the view was so pretty we had to get out and take a picture! I have never seen Provo Canyon so green. It was beautiful (hence me convincing Jake to go up the canyon with me right after I got home from driving it!)
On our way home we saw a car show going on in Heber! It was so cute! There were probably at least 70 plus cars and everyone hanging out having fun!
Super cute Lizza! I love this girl! She is so much fun! Im glad were neighbors!

Provo Canyon in June= BEAUTIFUL!
When I got home I was starving! So Jake and I went to Subway and got our favorite Buffalo Chicken Sub! Yum!!!! Then we headed up Provo Canyon! I could not get enough of it!
Here we have arrived in Park City. For some reason I was really tired when I got there so Jake was a gem and read his book in the car while I feel asleep for two hours. Then I woke up ready to party! Time to ride the Alpine Slide!

Here they are! It was so fun to take the ski lift up the mountain and sled down! Looking at the runs I was excited to for a fun ride!

I was shocked to see Park City looking like a jungle it was so green! I have never seen it like this.

At the top we got to pick our run we wanted to go on and go for it! Wahoo! I screamed the whole way down!

After a great time, we went down to Main St. to go walk around! Two indie films were premiering that night and so there was a huge dinner party going on. The dinner line went up the entire Main Street. It was quite a site to see!

Jake and decided we were hungry so we went to one of my favorite places! Davanzas Pizza! So yummy! It is one of the only flat bread pizza I like because it is filling! And the frys are soooo good!

Now it was about 9pm. The great thing about Utah is that it stays light out in the summer for quite some time. Next we headed to Jakes favorite skate park in Heber. He geared up and got ready to play in the bowls while I read my book, The Red Pyramid.
After the skate park we drove down the canyon and made a pit stop in Vivian Park! We brought the ipad with movies on it and watched Back to the Future 1. I have not seen that movie in years....I forgot most of it. It was fun to see it again! Then we headed home to get some rest to wake up bright and early for church!

Sunday: It was great because it was Stake Conference. I love teaching our Sunday School class, but it was nice to have a week break :) At church we saw my favorite teacher of all time in college, Sister Nielson! It was so fun to talk to her and catch up! That day Jake took a nap and I read my book! Then we had a yummy chicken salad for dinner and skyped with Jakes parents. Then we had a movie marathon. I guess with Jakes nap he was ready to watch movies all night. He needs to take naps more often! haha, We watched Dinner for Schmucks and it was horrible, I had to stop it because it was making me feel so bad, then we watched, Hercules, then Bill and Teds Greatest Adventure, and Star Trek 4 movie. Then we ate cookies! I would say it was a successful Sunday!

Monday: Went grocery shopping, got things ready for Tunas bday, and of course, watched THE BACHELORETTE!

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