
Friday, June 17, 2011

After a great weekend in NY, my trip got even better by being able to go home to Arizona for a week! Oh I just love Arizona! It is the greatest! One thing I was really looking forward to, was Aimee Gurr and I had made plans to make quilts!

Monday: I played all day with mom! This was the best day ever! She took me to my favorite fabric/button/zipper store and to my favorite shopping store! We played so hard all day and got the best stuff! Mom got an awesome new leather jacket, shoes and bag and I got 3 new dresses and Jake some super nice dress shoes! Wahoo!!!, That night went on a date with mom and dad. We went to Carabas for dinner and saw X-men First Class! It was so awesome! I loved it! Action packed, clear story line, it was great! It has your typical swear words, and junk, but it was awesome! Perfect day!

Tuesday: Aimee came to pick me up and we went to the fabric store! Here are the fabrics we got for our quilts!
Here are the fabrics I got! I am making a 3d quilt with huge pop out flowers on it!
Here are Aimees fabrics! So cute! She made an awesome quilt with all different sizes of rectangle shapes! After getting our fabrics we went to awesome Neds Crazy Subs (my favorite since childhood) and then started cutting out our material! We both got farther than we thought not only cutting everything out, but having almost everything sewn together! Then Aimee had to take off to go help Brandon finish up some frames for Thursday night boutique!
Later that night, mom and I ran some errands, watched X-men 1 and got Golden Spoon! They had my favorite St. Patricks Day Mint! Perfect day again!
Quilt still needing to be sewn together.
Wednesday: I got to lunch with moms awesome friends! Debbie, Julie and Mom. We went to the Cheesecake Factory! A great time! After mom and I ran some errands and had a great time playing together! I loved being able to have one on one time with my mom! She's the best! She is the funnest/sweetest/giving person to be around! That night dad helped me move tables around and get the living room set up for the boutique. He had great ideas and was a huge help! He even helped move the chandeliers up higher and they were so heavy. Never knew that. Then mom and I went over to Aimees! Her house is the cutest. I want to move next door! We saw all the stuff she had ready for the boutique and were excited to have it tomorrow and get it over with because we were so nervous about it! Then dad was the best and him and I stayed up talking till two in the morning. I love talking to dad. He is so full of knowledge and light. The greatest! I cherish those times with him.

Thursday: Mom was the best ever! She got the house ready, made yummy treats, put up decorations, got Sonic ice and got ready to have a party! My mom is the best at making something a party! She is the greatest!
Getting ready for the boutique! Got everything set up! I didn't realize I had so much stuff but I took up two tables! Woops! Mom was the best and let me ransack her house and use her decorations to display my items!

Now to the treat table! Since Forth of July was coming up, my mom got out all her cute 4th of July items and decorated the house! Fabouls! here are some yummy chocolate covered strawberries she made!
My mom even ordered 3 dozen cupcakes! Shes the best! We had red velvet, coconut and strawberry!

Lets talk about how these are the worlds best sugar cookies! Aimees mom Eve is the best at them! These are cookies I crave and have dreams about.
The spread! My sister Aubrey was the best ever and brought over even more treats! Which we so needed because we ended up having the most amazing turn out ever! Thank you so much Aubrey! That was so sweet and thoughtful and you saved the day!
Aimee and Brandon Gurrs amazing handmade frames and furniture! And amazing prices! I ordered this fabouls clock in teal and a shelf in mustard yellow! Oh I am so excited for those!
Lacy Lindhal amazing jewelry!

Dev Day's super beautiful and elegant jewlery!
I am so sad, I totally forgot to take pictures of all the fun that happened! I cant believe the entire time was so busy! It was the best turn out anyone could of ever hoped for! It was so much fun to see old friends, people in the ward, family and all those I love! Thank you so much for everyones love and support! It was such a party! I loved how people stayed and played the whole time! This was such blast and a great success I hope to do another one again around Christmas time! Seriously though, thank you all so much who came and supported! It ment so much to me to see you and know you love and care!

I do have to share a highlight of the night though...Aimees mom sadly got the short end of the stick. Poor Eve. She was helping out in the kitchen refilling the drinks and the soda liter was like a rocket and squirted all over her and all over the counter! I am so sorry! She handled it really well and was so sweet! She is a trooper!

Friday: I was sad this was my last day at home! I was so overwhelmed with all the love and support from those who came and supported the boutique. I still am. I had soo much fun! Friday, I packed up all my stuff, and got ready to take off the next morning so I could make it to Marin and Drews Wedding Reception Saturday night! So Friday, I was going to go to the AZ temple in the morning with my mom and Eve but I was so tired I bailed on them. Sorry. I woke up at 11:30 and my mom picked me up and we went out to lunch with her friends at Tia Rosas. There were 8 of us, and it was so fun! I got shrimp and salmon tacos! Yum! I brought my camera to take pictures and I forgot. I wasn't the best at taking pictures this trip.

Friday night dad took mom and I out again! We went and saw Super 8. I really liked it! It had a great monster, good action, the train wreck, super scary but amazing! Wowzers! Then we went to my favorite BJ's for dinner! Sadly the weightier messed up my order and got my a bbq pizza instead of buffalo chicken, but it was still good! and a pazookie to top of dinner! Yes please! It was all delcious! Then came home and got ready for bed to take off to the airport at 6am! 

Being at home is always the best! I felt so special to be there all by my self with my mom and dad and be able to spend time with them!

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