Marin and Drews Wedding Reception!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Saturday (June 18th) was a great day! I got in at the airport around 11, and then headed straight home to an eyelash client! My cousin Mandy! It was so great to see her and her cute husband David! They are the best and perfect for each other! It was so fun to catch up and play with them for just a little bit! At two we were supposed to go help set up at Marins, but I wasnt feeling well, so I layed down for a bit and realized it was four! We headed over to Marins and they were all done setting up! She said so many people came to help set up they got done so quick! I was so glad to hear that! I love great people like that! So Jake and I went to N and OUT Burger to get some grub and then went home to get ready!
Marin was so sweet and invited us to come early to the reception to go take pictures with her! Here is Heather and I!
I thought Jake looked so cute today!
Of course the first thing to do at a! They had yummy cookies desserts!

I was loving the table decor! It was so Marin and Drew. I was so proud of Marin for all she did on this reception. She did such a fabouls job planning it and making it happen!

Jake and I went for a walk around the pretty reception grounds. It was beautiful.
These were some of my favorite plants. Each table had different jars and vases. It was beautiful!

Heres Jake explaining to me about carnivorous plants and telling me how they grow.
Drew was super cute and surprised Marin with a firework show! It was so cute! I one knew about this! It just happened! It was great! It was an awesome show! Tons of great fireworks! A defiant highlight of the night!

Marin! The beautiful bride! She seriously looked so stunning and her dress was gorgeous! Oh she has the greatest little bod. Sadly this is the only picture I got with her! Her and Drew were so busy saying hello to people! Woops! Well it was a wonderful evening! It was all beautiful and perfect!  Then, Jake, Heather, Tanner and I loaded up the car with Marin and Drews gifts and took them to their new house! It was such a cute place! Cant wait to talk to Marin after she gets home and see all their wedding pictures!

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