Stewart Falls/Jewelers

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

 Today was a great day! I love Stacey being in town and being able to play with her! Her and I and a couple of friends went hiking up Stewart Falls in Sundance.
The Beautiful View as we hike!
 Here is our first view of the falls! Wahoo! Now to get closer!
Justin, Cade, Staceypants, Kelsey, Philip
Tuna loves seeing whats going on while he is in the backpack.

After a adventure in crawling in dirt, we made our way closer to the water.
The spray was strong, and chilliy! It felt so refreshing!
Then we all got our single picture by the water fall.

After a fun hike I came home and showered and Megan came over! We ate left over homemade cafe rio dinner and headed off to Salt Lake. So just fyi, if you ever need a fabouls jewelers in Utah, OC Tanner is the place to go! I swear they can make your ring shine like no other! I broke a prong off my ring sadly, and had to take it to get it fixed. I ended up just getting a whole new crown and got my diamond set a little bit higher! I love it!

Then Megan and I did some shopping and ate a whole bag of Starburst. I thought someday if I had a high ceiling, this could be fu to do. Hum..maybe someday!

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