4th of July Weekend :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

 This was an awesome 4th of July weekend! It all started Thursday and I got to hang out with Staceypants one more time before she took off home, and I was leaving! We met at Maglebees Fresh for a yummy french toast breakfast! I love spending time with Stacey! Come back soon please!

 Then I came home and packed up and hung out with the turtles! They were looking extremely cute today! Here is Herbie.
 This is Maxwell. Then Marin came over and we had fun talking about grocery shopping, recipe books and things for the kitchen! Marin is such a cute new housewife! Then Jake got home! We loaded up the car and headed off for California!
 Normally on our drive up, we stop in Vegas, but since we didn't get to leave till later, we passed it :( But when we saw Buffalo Bills on the side of the road and a fun looking roller coaster, we had to stop!

 Got our tickets for the roller coaster! And it was awesome! It really was a great roller coaster! I think it made it even better that either of us had not been on it before so it seemed to go faster and be crazy!

 Then we had a yummy stop at Subway for dinner and continued the drive to California! We arrived at midnight, 11 o'clock their time at my sister Ambers! And of course she was up and ready to party! Jake drove the whole way and had a big day at work, so he went to bed, which was great so then Amber and I had some good sister time we got in! We stayed up till 3:30 eating good food and having a great time talking!
 Friday morning we went over to moms house to meet up with her and take a walk to the beach! Jake was so excited and wanted to go in the water so bad! The only two things he wanted to do this trip was play in the ocean and play with the grandkids.
                                Here is Jake going to the ocean...
 Jake swimming in the ocean for an hour or two. Mom and I had fun sitting in the sand, talking and laughing.
 On our way back, Jake ended up wearing my board shorts because his legs were chaffing from his wet shorts. We were all cracking up that Jake looks better in my board shorts than I do.
 When we got back home, we went over to Ambers. Brandon was so cute and played with his blocks!
                                          Jake and Bryce played some Halo.
 Amber made us some yummy sandwiches that we ate up before we went to the Irvine Spectrum!

 The Irvine Spectrum is my favorite place of all time! It is so fun to walk around! We found this shirt and thought Jake should get it for the 4th.
 Then we got some yummy pretzel dogs. Auntie Anne's by far has the best pretzel dogs! The dough is so buttery, chewy yummy with a delicious hot dog.
 A turtle water fountain! There were several turtles and many children running around playing in the water.
 Jake got some watermelon yogurt and mom and I got See's Chocolates. They have a new double carmel milk chocolate chew and I highly recommend it! It is so tasty!
 After some fun time shopping, we headed back to Ambers, and the Jeff and Camis family had arrived! All the kids were sooooo excited to see each other! They all played outside on the grass until the sun went down1

 Dean and Buddy became really good friends. In fact, all the younger kids were obsessed with Buddy and chased him around all night. He was such a good dog.
 I love this picture! Brandon has the cutest smile! So does Cami!
 Amber, Jake, Kelsey
 Jake and Brandon playing some Nientedo
 John, Mama, Morgan, Jeff
                                             Cowgirl Bree! Giddeup!
 Bryce found a lizard out front. It was a really cute lizard! Hope his tail didn't come off..
 Bead bopper Amber! Amber is the funnest! She is such a party! Here and I stayed up almost every night making some crafts! I got my sew on and Amber did beads!
 For dinner we ate Pizza Hut! Yum!

 Then we all watched Wipeout and 101 Ways to Leave a Game Show! Fun!
Saturday, Mom and I went to the Swapmeet! As you can see from the cart, we take the Swapmeet very seriously. While mom and I were at the market, Jake, John, Bryce, Jeff went surfing and the others hungout at the Beach. Aubrey and David and fam arrived late Friday night and joined mom and I for a bit at  swapmeet!
 This right here was my entire intention for going to the Swapmeet! AZ Jacks is the best beef jerky of all time! The flavor is amazing, and always so soft and chewy! Yummy!
 After a great time at the swap meet, and getting carmeled apples, fresh bagels, homemade hummus, fresh fruit, beef jerky, homemade tamales, moms lipstick she loves, and more, we headed to the pool where everyone was coming to meet up! We had a little down time before everyone got there so I got to read my book The Red Pyramid! Oh it is so fantastic, I am dying to finish it! I finished by the end of the trip and started book number two The Throne of Fire! Anyways, here is cute Alyssa ready to swim and party!
 Brandon, Amber, Alyssa

                                Cute Bree laughing and Cami
 Shane was awesome! I told him lets take and underwater picture, and he was so cute! I loved how he opened his eyes!

 Amber, Alyssa, Aubrey
 If this doesn't tempt you to eat watermelon, I don't know what does! I thought brandon looked so cute eating watermelon!
                                          My Cute mom! She is the best!

 David taking everyone into the water.

                                Gavin, Jeff
                                 Kelsey, Cami
                      Bryce (loves his Goldfish), Gavin.
                                 David tossing Alyssa.
     When we got back from the pool, all I could think about was my carmel apple I wanted to eat! Then that night the guys had a boys night out and watched the UFC fighting and ate yummy food at one of Johns friends, and then went and saw Transformers 3! Us girls played at home with the kids, ate TacoBell and Pollo Loco and watched Narnia. It was a great night! When everyone left, Amber and I crafted!
 Sunday was a great day! We got to go to church and then come back to Amber and Johns for bbq time! Lets just say they are absolutely the best at bbqs!

 While the cooking was going on, Tuna made some new friends!
 John on the grill! He is the best griller!

 Brandon didnt name his little monkey yet, Tuna, and Josh.
 This is the cutest I have seen anyone eat a hot dog before!
                                         Yummy grilled zucchini!
                                          Hamburger spread!
 Hot dogs and Hamburgers! There were even yummy sausages!

 Aubrey and Mom.
 Cami and Dean
 That night, Jake was loving playing freeze tag with all the kids! He said this was one of his favorite parts of the trip!
 Mom, John and I watching "So you think you can dance."
 Bryce, Josh, Jake, Tuna playing Halo of course! Then Amber and I crafted!
 Jake and Bryce were so cute and had a sleep over! It was so fun for Amber and I to be downstairs and here them talking late into the night having fun!
 Monday morning was great! I went with Bryce and Jake to the skatepark!

 The boys had a great time! and I was excited to go because I finished my book the night before and got to start on book two! After the skate park was an extravaganza! Some of us wanted to go to the beach! Jake and John wanted to surf, and I wanted to read my book and play with the kids in the sand! So, we all packed up, got lunches and headed to the beach! We knew being 4th of July it would be really crowed so we went to a payed beach and it was so crowed the parking was closed off. So then, we headed down to the pool! Wahoo! Sadly this morning Aubrey, David, Shane and Alyssa had to go home to get back to work!
Dean was sure excited to play at the pool! He has his flippers on ready to party!
                                          Brandon and Jake playing in the pool!

 The pool was so nice and refreshing, but yet the jacozzi was still wonderful to sit in as well! We had a great time at the pool for 4 and a half hours! After we went to Amber and Johns and packed up all our stuff and went to Moms. Amber and John were so nice and let us stay at there place all week! They are the best hostess! It worked out perfect staying there doing late night crafts and Nintendo every night! Then we headed over to moms!
 Here we are hungry and ready to eat at In and Out Burger. Dean has the cutest legs! I prefer him with just a diaper, shirt and shoes on.
 Jake and Gavin waiting in line to order!
 Jake had a great idea of getting us all hats to wear while we ate! Most of us liked wearing them so much, we wore them all night until we went to bed.

 When we got home we waited for it to get dark, put our pjs on and waited to hear the sound of fireworks! Brandon was cracking me up in his frog boots and camo pjs. So dang cute!
 From the balcony we got to see 5 awesome firework shows going on! It was the best! I kinda got a picture of a red firework here, with the fire below.
 After 5 awesome firework shows it was time to roast some mallows! It was a little dangerous with a lot of kids and pitch forks but it all turned out great! We made smeeses. That is a smore with a reeses peanut butter cup instead of chocolate.
 And to top off the night with desserts....FRUIT PIZZA! What a great day of eating it has been!
 To end the night even better we played Five Crowns!

Well, Tuesday, we were really sad to go. Sad to go back to real life, sad to leave family, sad to leave California. We said our goodbyes, cleaned up and headed home. On our way the air conditioning had a melt down (literally) so it was a hot drive home. There fore we didn't do our plans of stopping home in Vegas to see Kaw, but next time. On a great note though, we stopped at Buffalo Bills again and got Panda Express. The whole way home we listened to Harry Potter on the drive home and it made it go by fast! When I got home I was in the rearranging move! Now our furniture is all over the place.. Fourth of July Weekend was the greatest! I love love love spending time with my family! They are the best! I have such a blast with them! Thanks everyone for a great time! I love you!

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