a TREAT filled week!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

 The beginning of this week was full of lots of sewing! I have been so excited about doing the farmers market, that I had to make a sign! This fabric banner is not nearly done.....but a work in progress.
Monday for dinner, I made bacon wrapped chicken and pineapple teriyaki on skewers. It was pretty good, but would be a lot better cooked on a grill. Next time right?
Tuesday night I made oreo cookies and my friend Lizza brought over her two cute girls and we all ate cookies! It was fun! 
 Mr. T was not being very nice to Maxwell today so we had to put him in time-out. Tuna felt bad he was in time-out by himself, so Tuna did time-out as well. I always feel really bad putting the turtles in time-out, but I guess we just all need to learn to be a little nicer. No biting...
Mr. T is sooo cute! I really cant believe how big he has gotten! He is literally the whole size of my palm, maybe bigger! And to think his shell used to be little and the size of a quarter! How children grow up so fast!
 Here are some of the projects I have been working on! Flat zipper bags! I got wiped out of them at the last boutique (thanks everyone who bought one!), so time to stalk up again! I think these are really fun to make! I was loving the cute two bird kissing fabric!

                                                            Here are little coin pouches.
Later, we had the best surprise ever and Heather and Tanner came over! I love seeing them! I feel like it has been forever since we have all played! So it was great to chat, eat cookies and have a good time! Then Jake and I finished off the night watching some of Harry Potter 6. The movies are just so long! We just have to be ready to see the last Harry Potter movie when it comes out this weekend!

Wednesday was a great day! I got to go to lunch with Heather and Marin!
I love these girls! I brought my camera to get a picture of us at lunch and of course..forgot! Its ok though! We went to eat yummy indian food! Oh yes my favorite! Sooo GOOD! I feel its been so long since I have played with these girls! But yet when were together, no time has passed! It was fun to see how Marin's new married life is going, how Heather is doing being done with school, and so on! I love these girls!
 For the rest of the day, I felt sick and laid in bed all day watching season 5 of Americas Next Top Model! Yes! and watched the entire season! When Jake got home we ate left over Indian food, made smoothies, and he joined in the tv marathon. 16 hours of my life wasted of dumb tv, but I will admit, It was quite fun! After Americas Next Top Model ended with an awesome season finale of "girls tell all" we watched Joe vs. the Volcano. It was a cute movie.
Thursday morning was great! I got to clean the house and make treats! Tonight I am going to a girls night pot luck dessert party so I made some cookie dough brownie bars to bring! They turned out great! Wahoo! I ate one, and lets just say they are so rich you need a glass of milk by your side :) But yummy non the less. 

Later I got to go to Costco. I don't know how it always ends up this way but some how I just love to go to the grocery store/Target/Costco and call family and walk in circles around the store. I really enjoy it! I got to talk to my sister Hayley for the first time since she had her baby! She sounds like she is doing awesome and baby Lindy is doing great! She said she has the most stunning blue eyes! I cant wait to meet Lindy! I love talking to my sisters, but every time I do, I always miss them more.

 Then Thursday night was the best! It was what I have been looking forward to ALL WEEK!  Aimee and Brandon are in town and we got to go to dinner! They came over to our house before we went to dinner and brought Jake and I an absolute amazing clock they made us! I LOVE IT! Once it gets hung up, Ill take a picture of it! Its teal, and perfect!
 For dinner we went to the fabouls J-Dawgs! Yea! Oh let me tell you, it was soooo awesome seeing Aimee! I love that girl!
 It was also great seeing Brandon! We all had fun talking and eating our J-dawgs! Utah is great right now because the sun does not set till around 9:30 so we talked till 8pm and didn't even know it because it kept getting sunnier! What a great time! I was sad to leave Aimee and Brandon, but excited I would get to see them on Saturday to see Harry Potter together!
After a great dinner, I went to my friend Kera's for a girls dessert night! It was fun to chat and get to meet some girls I hadn't met yet! What a great day :)
 Friday was a great day! I finally finished up my book! It was AWESOME! I highly recommend it!
 I then started to read a new series I heard was pretty good. I only got to page two before I started to make dinner. I will get more read tomorrow.
 So when we went to california, my mom returned this great piece of property to me. This is something my mother has never liked. I don't blame her. A tour of chewed gum over a foot tall? Yes nasty. I had to take a last picture of it in all its glory before I threw it away. So much time and effort went into this baby. My sister Cami started it and passed it down to me when she got married. I will be sad to see it go.

My mom sent this picture of cute Mallory holding baby Lindy! What a great older sister!
Thursday night Jake and I had fun! We ate mini tacos, hung the amazing clock, went to In and Out Burger for some yummy goodness and then went to my friend Lizzas.
 Here is the amazing clock from Aimee and Brandon! Oh we love it! Its perfect!!!! It makes our house look so good!
At Lizzas we played 3 games of Carcazone. Let me tell you, if you have not played it, you should! It is such a fun game! Each time it is a different game because you get to use pieces to build things and each time it turns out different!

Saturday was a great day! Woke up early to head to the movies so we could get some good seats to see THE LAST HARRY POTTER MOVIE! Aimee and Brandon met up with us there and we all had fun eating popcorn and slurpies until the movie began!

Great picture of them all! Except for the odd light in Rons face. Well, the movie was not as scary as I thought. It was sadder than I thought it would be. I cried, I laughed and really liked it! I didn't think when I walked in to the movie I would want to buy it because I figured it would be a dark movie, but now I would like to add it to my movie collection! It was a great movie!

After seeing the final Harry Potter, Jake, Brandon, Aimee and I headed to the Provo Farmers Market. They got a lot more booths and vendors there! It was awesome! It was fun to walk around. After we said our goodbyes to Aimee and Brandon till later that night. Jake and I came home to work on our Sunday School lesson and make treats!

I tried another recipe from "Our Best Bites" cookbook and made white chocolate and peanut butter chip chocolate cookies! They taste really great! I think they are defiantly a yummy cookie! I did find though, I am still partial to regular chocolate chip cookies. I think no cookie besides a fat sugar cookie can beat it!

Later, Jake and I feel asleep and took a nap, and woke up ready to party! We got Senous Sandwich for dinner and headed up to Sundance to go play with Aimees Family! We got to their cabin and all ate our yummy food. Then time to get our game on and we played Ticket to Ride. That game is so fun! We played one round and Brandon creamed us all. It was still so fun though! Then we hot tubbed  and played another round of Ticket to Ride. It was a splendid night! I was sad to say bye to Aimee and Brandon, but then we planned a trip to meet in Vegas, so I felt better about leaving. :)

When we got home Jake went straight on to Amazon.com and ordered Carcazone and Ticket to Ride. I didn't mind at all! I didn't realize how fun games are to play and to own them!
 Sunday was a great day! Got to go to church, teach our lesson, and a classmate we have never seen came! That was awesome! Come home, take a nap, and head to Jakes parents house for dinner. It has been fun having Jakes parents live here. For dinner, mom made an awesome pesto pasta, rolls, fruit and yummy mint brownies. It was a great meal! She even packed us up left over to take home! Yum! Thanks mom! After a great dinner, everyone played a little bit of "just dance" on the wii. Fun! It was even funner to watch. Cameron kept dominating and won every time. After dancing, everyone had to leave, but Jake and I stayed to play a game. We played a English game called Outrage. It was fun. Jakes dad stole the crown jewels from the London Tower and won. Maybe Ill get the crown next time :)
Here are our yummy left overs. I may have ate some more when I got home....
On our way driving home, the sun set was beautiful out! What a great way to end a Sunday! Now time to read and get ready for bed! What an awesome week it has been! I am so excited for this upcoming week with so many exciting things planned!

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