chocolate waffles

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Today(Saturday) has been a great day! I woke up at 3:00am and could not fall back asleep, so I decided to have some fun! I sewed a few bags, listened to music, made cupcakes for our Sunday School class, watched infomercials, went through cook books and picked out some dinners to make this week, made a grocery list, went to Walmart and had the best experience ever (no lines, workers around to help assistant you and they are so nice!) then I came home and made chocolate chip waffles! It was fun! I made homemade batter, whip cream and fruit spread. I am not going to lie, I think I like waffles from a box mix are better. They were still good though. Jake liked them! So I woke Jake up with breakfast at 8am and I was so hyper. So then next we headed to...

The Farmers Market in Provo! I had some friends that were saleing stuff, so we wanted to go say hi to them! I even sighed up to do a couple farmer market weekends! I am sooo excited! 
 Even though it was 10 am....I was still hungry after a big breakfast so we tried a Sonoran Hot Dog. The only reason I knew what that was because I like to watch the Food Channel when I am sewing. I was surprised to see all the awesome food vendors at the Market. Every Saturday we are in town, we are going to go eat lunch there and try all the fun foods!
 Hot dog wrapped in bacon, beans, topping galore...yummy! Loved it!
 After a visit to the Farmers Market we went to D.I. I saw this Teddy Ruxbeen and it reminded me of childhood. Then we went to the grocery store to get a few ingredients I couldn't find at Walmart! I felt I got alot done for only being 11am. Maybe I should start never sleeping....
 At the grocery store there were my favorite Laffy Taffys! Wahoo!!!! Yes! Sparkle cherry! Then we watched Harry Potter one! With the new movie coming out end of next week, we are trying to watch all the Harry Potters before we go see it! Then finally I feel asleep! Only for two hours.
I woke up hungry for pizza! So we got Little Caesars and then headed to the fabric store! I was so excited about signing up to sale at the Farmers Market, I looked at the internet for a while to get some ideas on making a fabric banner! So Jake and I went on a wild goose hunt going to way to many fabric stores to find the perfect fabric for my future fabric banner! Wahoo! When we got home, it was only 7pm. The night was young!
So, Jake and I planned our lesson for Sunday School tomorrow and watched Harry Potter two and Started Harry Potter three. We got tired before it ended so that is tomorrows to do list!

Sunday has been a great day! All day I have been so excited for one of my best friends of all time coming into town! I got to say the closing prayer in Sacrament Meeting in Church today. I still have the jitter bugs from it! Guess what? We got a whole new Bishopric in our ward today! We were totally surprised! I loved our Bishopric, but I am excited for some fun new changes to our ward as well! In our sunday school lesson we had a great lesson on Christ in Gethsame. We got to give all the kids framed pictures of Christ my dad gave us for them! Thanks dad, they loved them!

When we got home from church we ate left over pizza and of course finished Harry Potter 3. Then watched Harry Potter 4. Then made dinner.

For dinner we made black bean mango spread over grilled chicken! It was actually really good! Another great recipe from "Our Best Bites."Then we watched Harry Potter 5. Now on to 6. I am a little Harry Potter burnt out, but we have gotten this far, no turning back. Harry Potter here I come!

1 comment

  1. Wow so many great posts! First, that hot dog looked disgusting- I could never appreciate a hot dog like you can :) 2nd, the high bun hair-do was really working for you... love it! I'm sure all that Harry Potter also was bringing you back to your jr. high days- pretty funny! I must go to "our best bites"- mom and aunt robin rave about it too. And thank you for that whole post dedicated to me and little Lindy!- she is pretty darn cute I must say- the pictures hardly do her itty bitty self justice! and I think I'll copy the great birthday idea of decorating your own crowns and maybe even a tangled theme- mallory would love that. We are doing some serious birthday planning over here! Sorry this comment was all over the place- LOVE YOU KELS!
