Temple Square

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday I was so excited because I got to pick up my mom from the airport! Oh I love when she comes into town! The whole trip was a blast! We really partied so hard! After I got my mom from the airport we headed to the HomeGoods Store to find some good stuff! I need a couple more items to help display my crafts for boutiques and farmers markets, so my mom helped me find some great items! At HomeGoods I scored and got two cute decorative suitcases and two green wire baskets! Then mom and I were hungry and got some dinner at The Olive Garden. I love their breadsticks and salads! We got a steak pasta and it was delicious! After some yummy food, we went to the grocery store to get some items for breakfast and treats to snack on while we were going to be staying at Nanas guest house! I love staying at Nana's! Not only do I LOVE seeing her, I look forward to our nights ending with games! After the grocery store, mom and I watched tv, and read our books. I love spending time with my mom!
Thursday I got another treat! We got to pick up my Aunt Robin from the airport! After, we headed to Temple Square to start our day off! We walked around, looked at the beautiful gardens and checked out a new area that was being built down town.
We ended our Temple Square trip at the Lion House for some yummy food! We got a chicken pot pie to eat! Yum!
Then we headed over to Gardner Village. This is always one of my all time favorite places to take people! We went to every store and checked everything out! I even got some cute fabrics at Pine Needles! Another of my favorite fabric stores! I feel compared to other stores it is a little over priced versus other stores, but with their huge selection of fabrics, it is worth buying it all there!
Then we headed to the Quilted Bear. I have no been there in years. I totally forgot how awesome it is! It was so much fun to see what people have made, and looking at all the animal friends! Tuna and I looked at stuffed animals for hours.
Tuna got his picture with a bear, and a few other random items we found threw out the store.

After we had a delicious meal at the cafe at the Quilted Bear. It was soo good! I got a chilli bread bowl! I would get it again! Very filling and delicious!
Next on the list, a tour of the LDS Conference Center! That building is amazing inside and out! It is awesome! and HUGE! I loved all the Arnold Freiberg original pairings! Beautiful!
The view from on top of the building is awesome! I think they said there were 7 acres of landscaping on the of the building! That is pretty rad!

After our tour we got to go watch the Mormon Tabernacle and Orchestra practice for their Pioneer Day Concert for the following day. Tickets were sold out, but we got to go watch their practice! Just as good I would say. I found out the MOTAB practices every Thursday night in the LDS Conference Center and anyone is allowed to go watch and listen to them sing. I would recommend it! It is awesome! After a great performance we headed to Nana's. Aunt Robin went to bed since she had been up since 3:30 am and mom and I read our books waiting till midnight when Cami's flight was coming in! 

I can't even explain how excited I was for my sister to come in town! I have never had any family except for my mom be able to come to Utah! Having a sister come, was so exciting! Just as exciting as going to New York! Well, mom and I got Cami from the airport and all went well!

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