Joslynns B-day and Double Date Night :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Today was a super great day! I got to wake up early, read my book Throne of Fire (more than half way done with it and dying to finish it, it is sooo good!), sew, take a nap, do laundry, wear a new dress, and go to my friend Kera's for her daughter Joslynns birthday party! Here in the picture are some of my ward friends who I LOVE! Kera, Lizza, Kristy.
 Here is cute Joslynn opening the bday present I got for her!  She was having a Tangled birthday party, so when I was in NY and saw the cute stuffed chameleon animal at the Disney Store I knew I had to get it for her party!
                                              I was so glad! She loved it and was so excited! 
 Here are the cute girls! They had  all decorated crowns and looked so cute! Then we had yummy cupcakes and it was a great time!
Tonight, Jake brought Wingers home for dinner! Whoop whoop! My favorite! On yum. Just looking at this picture makes me hungry again!
Then to top off the night being the best ever, Jakes parents came and picked us up for double date night! We went and saw Cars 2! It was great! It had some fun action scenes in it! Lets just say now I really really really want to visit Tokyo! Before the movie they had the most hilarious Toy Story trailer for Barbie and Ken going to Hawaii. I want to look it up and find it and watch it again!
                     When we came out of the movies there was the most beautiful sunset! Wow!
and to the otherside...A DOUBLE RAINBOW!
To top off the night even more, we went to The Chocolate and got some dessert! Cazookie for us, and a yummy sugar cookie to go! It was fun talking and eating treats! Thank you so much mom and dad for a fun evening! We love playing with you! Next time we want to play games after!
When we got home, we finished the night off with watching Heavyweights! Oh wow, this whole movie makes me laugh so hard the whole time! Ben Stiller is hilarious! A great way to end a Friday!

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