a Seven Peaks first!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Today I got my first experience ever of going to 7 Peaks! I have lived in Utah for quite some time and have never ventured to make it there! Well, my mother in law was awesome and took me there with Lydia and Mone! It was a great time!
 After we picked up our tubes, we were ready to go on our first water slide! "Cave In" here we come!
 I am not going to lie, this ride when you look at it does not look steep at all but when you go down it, it is!
                                                                          Peaks Pigeon
 Mone and Lydia waiting to go down "Shot Gun."
Mom and I! She is so good to me!
 For lunch we all got a yummy pizza, chips and a drink! Fresh lemonade was perfect on a hot day!
 After we jumped in the wave pool for a good time!
 It was a crowed day at the peaks, but surprisingly the lines were not bad at all!
 Pictures under the water always turn out funny!
This straight down slide, I screamed and closed my eyes the whole time and ended up with the hugest wedgie, but it was all worth it! Next time I will have to open my eyes the whole time! Here is Lydia going down!
 Mom going down the slide. She is so cute!
 We were cracking up on the magic carpet ride that when you were about to take off how our buns were stuck in the air ready for push off! This is a fun slide! And not too much water sprayed in your face!
 Crossing the lily pads!
 Time for the rope swing! Its harder than it looks!
 That is some seriously awesome farmers tan..
 Lydia going in style!
 Going on some more lily pads as we wait to go in the hot tub.
To finish the day we went  in the hot tubs! A great way to end it! Seven Peaks was a blast! It was a lot bigger than I thought it would be! It had great slides, good food, but most of all, the company was the best! Thanks mom, Mone and Lydia for a great time! I love you all!

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