My first farmers market!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Saturday was an adventurous day! Woke up super, super, super, super early, Jake did too and helped me load up the car and get ready to take off for famers market! Then I had to turn in my applications, and unload at the farmers market! With Jake there, we got things done really fast. Then it started to drizzle rain, and I began to panic because I did not have a canopy and my things were all going to get wet! Well, my in-laws were life savors! They got there at 8am and brought me tarps! I could of cried I was so happy/greatful! Thank you guys so much! That seriously saved the day! Well, by nine when farmers market began, the weather cleared up and it was a lovely day out! Here is cute Lydia here helping me get everything organized! Her and Mone were big helps! They made sure things looked perfect all day!
 The market went great! I was sooo happy to have Jakes family there! A family in our ward was moving and so Jake went to help them move, so I was so glad his family was there for support! It can be kind of intimidating selling stuff you make, but it was a good experience! There were so many nice people! And even one lady that made me laugh so hard when she grabbed a wallet I made and slammed it on my table yelling "nine dollars for a wallet! Thats a joke!" I thought, don't ever go to Nieman Marcus to buy a wallet.... I did feel I got the perfect location in the park! I got to be in the shade all day and be under a huge beautiful tree and see the pretty sky peaking through. It was a lovely day to be outside!
When Jake got back, he went over and got us some delicious waffles! Two super cute sisters have a waffle stand with frozen hot chocolate and have a waffle and frozen hot chocolate combo for just five bucks! I would highly recommend going to try it! It is delicious!!! After the market was over, we packed up and headed home to unload.
Then Jake and I headed up to Salt Lake to go to the bike store! Ok, great news! I finally got an awesome road bike!!! Sadly, they didn't have the one Jake wanted so, we had to order it! Hopefully soon we will both have bikes to go on some bike rides! I want to work my way up to doing a century ride!

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