Raspberry Days

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Raspberry Days was quite an exciting time! I think the best part about it was my friends Heather and Marin and I have been wanting to take a road trip all together for FOREVER and finally got to do it! Let me tell you, we laughed so hard the entire time! It was so wonderful! So, for our trip we headed up on Friday morning to Bear Lake. When we came into town we knew the first thing we had to do was try a Raspberry Shake!
 Here we are ordering the goods!
While waiting for our shakes to arrive we looked at the Raspberry Days Agenda to see what they had in store! So many things looked so exciting and fun!
 Our yummy shakes have arrived! And they were delicious! I could taste fresh raspberries with the seeds in our shake. It was fresh and good!
 Tuney looked so cute in the fanny pack I had to get a picture of him!
 We had no idea what to do when we got to Bear Lake, but many fun opportunities arose. We saw a sign for helicopter rides and decided to check it out!
 Here is Jake and Tuna in the helicopter! This was their first time ever on a helicopter ride! Awesome!
 We got to see all of what Bear Lake had to offer. It was lovely.
After our fun helicopter ride we went and sat with Heather and Tanner, while Marin and Drew got a ride in the Helicopter.
Next, the boys wanted to take a dip in the lake before we headed up to the rodeo! It was so windy the water was creating some fierce lake waves! The boys were loving it! (The girls passed on swimming..) I thought the clouds were so beautiful out! Utah is really beautiful!
 Tanner, Drew and Jake having some fun in the water!
 Here we are ready for the Raspberry Days Rodeo!
 I love before each rodeo they always do something patriotic. It is awesome! I love America!
 The kids at this rodeo were my favorite! In this activity, they tied a ribbon to a little cows tail and let the kids free to try and get the ribbon!
 These kids were going for the gold trying to get the ribbon! So cute!
                                     Our delicious burgers we ate, along with popcorn and nachos!
Mutton Busten was so adorabel! Seeing the kids hold on to the sheep was soo cute! One little boy rode the sheep backwards and went forever. A man came to get him off the sheep because he could of gone forever! I think that boy made history tonight! I liked how all the sheep gathered together after they had their turn with a child on their back.
 After the rodeo it was time to find a camp ground! We knew it would be difficult to find a camp ground, but we didn't know two hours difficult. After getting into Idaho, we found a campground that had a few spots left! Wahoo!
Here we are all ready for bed! Tents set up and ready to go! We had such an awesome day, we were all so tired and went straight to bed! Sometime in the middle of the night, some loud voices woke us up (because they were literally standing right next to our tent. Maybe even hovering over it? just kidding) and were saying some seriously vulgar language. I was so tired I asked Jake to ask them to move. Seeing that they were extremely drunk, we could not bother any more. I think Heather is the only one that slept that night! (She can sleep through anything! Thats talent, because these two boys were so loud!) Later the cops came because a fight broke out between the guys and they were all really bloody. Many of them ran away and left a straggler to make up an interesting story to the cops. (The cops did wake up Jake and asked where the boys ran. Exciting huh?) Later that night all the boys returned and it was a hugging, swearing, rapping fest between them all. (Marin heard the raps and said sadly they were not good. All she got out of it was, "my homies, bad words, and bear lake.) Jake and I stayed up the rest of the night hearing them talk about stealing our car and talking about how if any of the boys crossed each other they would "stick um." 

Well as you could imagine, when we all woke up to someone chopping wood in the morning....we were laughing so hard at what happened that previous night. Really, when I think back about it, it was really funny! I loved hearing what everyone heard them saying and putting bits and pieces together. Quite a comical night! I feel we will all be laughing about this camping night for years to come. On our car ride home it created so many jokes! Next we packed up our goods and headed back to Garden City for breakfast!
The firefighters in the area put on the breakfast in the park to raise money to get some new equipment. I thought it was so cute seeing the fire fighters make us breakfast! I am not going to lie...it was delicious! I loved it! Pancakes with fresh Raspberry Syrup, has browns, eggs anyway you wanted, sausage, any juice or drink you wanted...this was heaven! I was impressed how many people they fed! There was a huge crowd and tons of food for everyone to have fifths!
 The breakfast had a great playground, so after we ate we got to play on some cool toys. Here is Tanner on top of the world.
 Tuna trying to climb up the rock wall. The rocks are a little to far apart for him.
 Tuna managed to climb high and sit on the rock he wanted to.
Next on the agenda: lake to take a swim! I was a bum and wanted to read my book, so everyone swam while I read.
 Heather brought me a turkey rock she found in the lake. That was really kind of her!
 Drew and Tanner playing with sticks and rocks. I swear boys could play like this all day!
Marin brought her cool poloriod camera and did a photo shoot with all of us. haha she is the best
 To finish off our Rasbery Days Trip we went to the Craft Market!
 The boys got some fresh root beer!
 Cheers! I got some beef jerky, Heather got some bracelets, and we all had fun walking around! It really was a beautiful day out with lots of sun shine! Then we headed home! This was a great trip!
 Growing up, Heather lived in Brigham City, which I had no idea, and recommend a great place we should stop for lunch! Maddux Family Drive-in! They are known for their fried chicken! So when we ordered fried chicken, I was not in the mood for it, and let me say after one bite my mind was changed! It was sooo good! The fries were amazing, the chicken was to die for and the corn bread was delicious! I would like to go there again and eat some chicken! Well, that wrapped our trip for us! I had so much fun being able to play with my girlfriends and their husbands/boyfriend. It was an awesome trip!

When we got home the first thing we did was go straight to watching SHARK WEEK! I feel when shark week is on it is important to support it so they continue to have shark week for years to come. To support, Jake and I drop everything we are doing to watch SHARK WEEK! :)
Now all I want to do is go swimming with these guys in Africa! Maybe someday!

Sunday was a great day! We got to go to church, come home and clean up the camping gear, then head over to Jakes parents house for dinner and a movie! It was a great dinner of brisket and potatoes! Then we watched "Soul Surfer." I loved it. I thought it was so great! I cried to, I thought it had a really touching message in it. Then we looked at pictures of Jakes brother Wesley on his mission and ate dessert! It was a wonderful night! I had fun playing with Jakes family and spending time with them! We even made plans to go to the State Fair coming up! I am soo excited! I want to eat a fried pickle! Life is good! Also, today is my cute nephew Gavins birthday! He gets to get baptized soon! So awesome! And my mom got called to be the Relief Society President in her ward! Wowzers that is a lot of work, but worth it! I love our home ward! My mom will do awesome! Today Jake and I have had our 7 month mark! What a big day for many! Love you all!

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