The Grand America Hotel

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

While my family was in town we got to enjoy a super fun meal! Since we were going to a fancy 5 star hotel, we thought we should dress for the occasion! The Grand American in Salt Lake is quite a fun time and full of good food! I would recommend checking it out! I would like to go back someday! Here are some of the delicious foods we partook of.

This picture came out blurry....sorry David and Mandy. At least the famous people in the background are not to blurry:)
The crab legs are so cute they cut them in half for you and the crab meat just falls right out!AMAZING!
In the bathrooms there were only towels to dry your hands!
And a chandelier with each toilet stall...
We had a great time eating and being stuffed of delicious food! They also have a super cute bakery at the store full of great treats!
When we got home, back to nanas she had some homed toffee for us! She is the best! Let me tell you, it was delicious! The lady that makes Canterbury Toffee lives by my nana and brought the goods over but if you want to try it out for yourself and see how good it is, she sells her toffee on I think I will have to order some to!
To top of the day, we played games all the rest of the night! I miss having my family in town :(

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