a great weekend

Monday, August 15, 2011

Friday night Jake and I got to go to a farewell party for a coworker/friend Brian. He was leaving to go to Law school! So awesome! Some of Jakes coworker threw the party for Brian. It was so cute with balloons, cute tables, great food and company!
This is Brian in the middle with his cool PENN State pinta, that is soon going to burst full of candy! Then we had yummy cheesecake! It was a great evening, but always sad to say goodbyes.
Isn't this the cutest picture of the turtles? I love how they all love to be so cozy! Here is all four of them hanging on a little bar in their tank. I thought it was so cute they were all crammed together. I love the turtles! They make me so happy! I am glad they are all getting along.
Saturday Jake and I went on a bike ride! I am loving this bike riding thing! So fun! It was great weather out and perfect for a nice ride! Then we came home and I went straight to the kitchen! Jakes family was coming over for dinner the next day so I wanted to get the kitchen ready! We also had a ton of fresh zucchini, and people we needed to take things too, so once again, made chocolate zucchini bread!
Then I made sugar cookies for our Sunday School class! I am already wanting to put out halloween decor, so I did orange frosting! This is the first time in a long time I made sugar cookies! I forgot how fun they are to make!
I felt like I was in the kitchen all day today! But it happens when you hand wash dishes! haha its not to bad :) Then it was late and it was time to finish up our talks for Sunday we were working on. We got asked to speak in church on Sunday! I was actually kind of excited!(until I got there and my nerves kicked in).

Sunday went great! Jake and I got to speak on service. It was fun and nerve racking. Glad it is done! After church we got home and got things ready for dinner!
For dinner we had beef stroganoff, rolls, spinach greens and veggie salad, and fruit pizza for dessert! It was so fun to have Jakes parents and Cameron over! I love having people over to our home! Then we played "Ticket to Ride."I could play that game over and over I love it so much! Later that night I got to talk to my dad on the phone for a few hours. I love talking to him. It is the best! I have been thinking to, I want to start keeping a gratitude journal. I feel like so many people always do such nice things for me, and there are so many things to be grateful in life, it is time to start a gratitude journal. I have one I did as a child and it is so fun to look back a read. I think that is going to be a new daily goal to start working on is writing one thing a day I am grateful for.

And best news of the weekend..... one of my best friend Heather called! She is engaged to her new fiancé Tanner! Wahoo! Way to go H.P! Wonderful news! Cant wait for the wedding!

1 comment

  1. you make me want to be a better wife! you're just the cutest home maker ever!!!
