a bumming around week

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Do you ever have those weeks where you are motivated to do absolutely nothing? This has been one of those weeks. All I want to do is eat ice cream and watch movies, which is not to bad of an idea. Sunday, Jake and I watched Rango. It defiantly is not a movie I would recommend at all. It was very slow, and especially for a kids movie had some inappropriate lines in it. 
Then we watched Muppet Treasure Island and that was awesome! It really was hilarious! More my kind of movie. I would watch it again! I want to watch another muppets movie because they are so random and have some really cute characters in it. Especially Kermit the frog.
 Then of course had to watch "The Bachelorette Men Tell All." 
Amongst the tv marathon, Jake and I made chocolate zucchini bread! It was delicious! I made it from the "Best Bites" cook book! I would recommend adding more coca and mini chocolate chips to it though! It was really tasty! Then we had yummy beef stroganoff for dinner. Jake is so sweet and always helps so much in the kitchen! 

 Monday was quite the day. Well, I bought a super rad road bike and when I took it home I was soo bummed. It was not working like it should and just looked really dirty. I was totally disappointed. So, I took my bike back to the store and had it worked on. Later that day, we went to go buy Jake a bike so I ended up just returning my bike and getting a new one. I felt so dumb, but I felt when you are spending the money for something and earn it all, its ok to get it just right? Well, hopefully later this week our bikes will come in the mail! I am so excited! I can't wait to go out for a ride!
For dinner we went to one of our favorite places in Provo, Zupas! Sweet potato fries and cilantro lime quesadilla. Normally we get chicken in the quesadilla, but today we tried steak! It was good, but I think the chicken goes better with this item. I crave those sweet potato fries. SOO TASTEY!

Next, Jake and I went to Macy's grocery store because they have tons of good treats! We got some and headed home to watch the season finale of "The Bachelorette." Well, as Jake and I thought, Ashley choose J.P. I hope they have a great life together. I think they will. I don't know if I can do any more reality tv.... I don't like seeing so many people hurt and sad from shows...
Tuesday was a super fun day! I got to go to lunch with some of Jakes family! They are all so sweet to me! We went to the Cheese Cake Factory for lunch! In the front left going back is Heather, me, Julie, back right is Aunt Sue, Andrea, Mama Harris, Aunt Christi.
 For lunch I got yummy salmon and a reeses cheesecake! I had a great time talking with everyone and getting to know everyone better. 

After lunch I headed to my Nana's house! I was so glad she was home! It seriously was the funnest time ever hanging out with her all afternoon! My Nana Brady is 90 years old, healthy and active and full of life. I had so much fun talking to her! She is so full of information. I was so glad I got to have the afternoon with just her. I learned so many things about her that I had no idea about. Some awesome things I learned about her are some great stories of when her husband served in the Air Force and they lived all around Europe for six years, or when they lived in America on an Air Force base and Neil Armstrong lived right next to them and they were there when he took his first step on the moon. She told me how Neil got started in NASA and just some awesome stories of their families having bbqs together. I also learned growing up her husband lived a couple doors down from Gordon and Marjorie Hinckley and he got to deliver their groceries to them. I also learned she like to write short stories. I thought that was so cute! I want a copy of them someday! I really had the funnest time hanging out with my nana. She also helped me with a ton of ideas for crafts and places to sell them! She is the best! I want to be just like her. I can't wait to go play with her again!
That night Jake and I watched Spellbound! It was such a cute movie! It was a documentary on kids making it to nationals on spelling bees! I couldn't believe how dedicated these kids were! They had some serious study skills! This was a really good movie! Loved it! Isn't the little boy on the cover the cutest? I think so!

We also tried a new ABC TV show called Take the Money and Run. It pretty cheese show, but it defiantly gets your mind thinking. Jake and I tried coming up with tons of scenarios of where to hide 100,000 dollars. 
Wednesday I got to go on another lunch date! Yes! Here is Lisa, I, Lizza, Ruth, and Aubrey! We went to MiRanchitos on State street in Orem, and it was great!
I got a chicken and bean burrito. I really liked it! Next time I think I will get red sauce instead of green. I had fun hanging out with the girls! We were laughing so hard the whole lunch! After lunch we went and looked at Ruths new house! I loved it! It will be perfect for her family!

Then I ran some errands. Went to PetCo to get some supplies for the turtles. They needed some new stuff for their filter. I also ran and got some yummy Golden Spoon! I love getting their quarts and taking them home. Their yogurt freezes so nicely and doesn't have a weird texture after being frozen. Its the good stuff!

When Jake got home from work, he was so sweet and got me a surprise! "Shrek The Final Chapter." He knows I love the Shrek movies and saw it on sale at Target! Thanks cute boy, I love you!

Tonight on the show list is "So you think you can dance, and Signified, Clean House and the best of all SHARK WEEK" What a great week it has been so far!

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