work party at the peaks

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

 This morning was a great morning because I knew later that night it was swim party time! I read most of this "Friend" magazine today. I have not read the Friend in years and I forgot how cute it is! My dad is the best and got my sisters and I all the church magazines each month. I am loving that! I had so much fun reading the friend today. Plus I loved the cute cover.
 During the day I cut out fabrics all day and ate some Costco shushi! It was tasty!
Before the swim party, Jake and I stopped at Marin and Drews! Their new home is so cute! I loved it! Marin did a great job organizing it and making it so cute and homey! Check out these cool plants they gave us! They are now on our kitchen windowsill :)
 We have now arrived at the Peaks for Jakes work party! Jakes work is awesome and does a lot of great things for their employees. This time they rented out Seven Peaks!
 They even had dinner for us to eat! And since we got their early, we got vouchers for churros!
 Hanging out in the lazy river!
 Going on all the tube rides! It is so fun going on a tube with someone else! Jake and I had a blast going on all the rides together! I love spending time with him. It was awesome having no lines for any of the rides! There were a ton of people at the Peaks, but some how we always missed the crowds! Jakes favorite ride was the half pipe slide. We went on it so many times till we flew off our tube and fell off..
 This churro and french fry were so tasty!
 This slide was my favorite! You go on a matt and slide down on your belly! It is so fun! When the sun went down we hung out the rest on the night in the hot tubs where the water was nice and toasty.
 When it got dark outside, they played Tangled on a huge blow up screen. It was awesome! This was a fantastic work party! I loved seeing so many cute kids to!
 Then we headed home and stopped at the gas station to get some treats! For some reason I love getting treats at the gas station. Then we finished watching King Kong and I cried. I didn't realize how sad and animal abuse that movie is. I thought they did a really good job with the movie though. Then we watched the old King Kong and the new one did such a good job of following the same story line and using the first movie for inspiration. Then we watch a super dumb 80's skating movie with Christian Slater in it. It was hilarious. We were laughing so hard at how cheesy it was. It was called something like "At the Cube.' ??
Also these babies came in the mail! Jake is the best! I swear he is full of surprises this month! It has been so fun! I can't wait to watch these two movies! They both are so great!

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