saturday sales

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This has been a great week for Jake and I. While sewing crafts this week I was watching one of my favorite shows called "Man Vs. Food" and we saw the making of a true corn dog at the original corn dog castle called "Cozies." So Jake and I went for corn dogs at Sonic. And a few other things to...Strawberry/Orange Cream slushes are still my all time favorite item on the menu. And I was so disappointed to find out they no longer serve Chicken Finger Dinners.
For dinner Thursday we had a yummy salad and topped it off with a smoothie with granola on top! So, this sounds gross, but let me tell you, it was a great way to get veggies in.....I took frozen shredded zucchini and put two cups of it into the blender with the smoothies and it was delicious! With vanilla yogurt in it to drown out the zucchini taste, it was so good! I am going to do that now with every fruit smoothie. Then Jake and I wasted a night watching an entire season of Americas Next Top Model. We watched all of season 14. Yes a waste of time, but so much fun! It was a splendid night!
Friday was a great day! All our biking goods came in the mail! Jakes dad told us of an awesome online store called "Nasbar" that sells gear and all kinds of biking goodies. We found some goodies and all of our stuff fit great and is working out well! Then Jake and I got to go to the Provo Temple together. That was a fun time!
 After we got the best dinner ever. I always love Hawaiian Haystacks on my birthday, but if I couldn't have that, I would choose this exact meal. Arbys Jalepeno Poppers(the sauce is soo yummy that goes with it), and Betos Carne Asada Burrito.
I want to eat this again just looking at the picture! Then we finished off the night watching The Legend of the Seeker(super cheesy), Save By The Bell (just as awesome as I remembered, maybe even better now), and Signified (always hilarious).

Saturday morning we woke up bright and early and got ready for the Main Street Sidewalk Boutique. McDonalds is always a great start in the morning! Mcgriddles are the best with their surrupie buns!
 Jake is always the best helper! He is such a trooper.
 Vinyl Lettering
 Kelsey Bang
 Kelsey Bang
 LilllyMae Bags and some home decor items.
My Favorite Pal: Matching Dad and Son Ties. She will be at Swiss Days coming up the first weekend of September! They are really cool zipper pull ties!
Scentsy...I am still dying at how cute these stuffed animals are! I love them! I need to get one! (for Tuna)

There was a cute lady in the back selling jewelry, but her stuff was already pulled down before I got a picture. The sidewalk sale was fun to talk to friends, make new friends and have a good time! Lets just say though...Utah is a tuff crowd.

When we got home from everything we unloaded the car and took a nap and watched Signified till our double date to Outback Steakhouse began! We went and picked up our friends Ruth and her husband Kelly to go to dinner.

 We all got some yummy cheesy fries to split! They were actually really good fries! They were kind of spicy and really tasty with the cheese and bacon.
For Dinner we got my favorite, the victoria cut filet! Yum!
It was fun to play with Ruth and Kelly. We were all laughing and having a good time!

When we got home, Jake and I went for a bike ride! It was my first time ride through intersections and it was kind of scary but not as bad as I thought it would be. I was a little hesitant because the week before a car ran me off the road...but all went well today! I will do it again! We had a lovely bike ride through Provo Canyon. It was perfect temperature out and not crowed at all! Perfection!
 Tuna had a great time on the bike ride! He loves coming along and hanging out in the fannypack.
You would think after having dinner, we would be full, but after a good bike ride, some good food is needed! I guess since we didn't eat lunch, dinner was our lunch and late night dinner was our dinner! Right now at Pizza Hut they are having "the box" deal. We decided to give it a shot! It was great! I loved having the bread sticks and cinnamon bread with the pizza because normally we wouldn't get those extras! Jake and I were really surprised to see how delicious the cinnamon sticks were!
Sunday, Jake made me my favorite breakfast! He was so excited because he used mini chocolate chips in them instead of big chocolate chips! For some reason we think mini chocolate chips taste better than the bigger ones? Don't know why. Jake did a great job on the pancakes! Delicious!

Church today was great. I really enjoyed it. The fire alarm went off and we all played out side  for about 15 minutes! It was really fun! I really loved our Relief Society lesson on the importance of temple work and family history. It makes me think I need to be good about keeping a journal so my family can have my family history.
 When we got home from church I made some sugar cookies for Jakes home teaching families!
I love vibrant frosting! This bright pink is my favorite! For some reason I find frosting things relaxing. Maybe I will start putting bright pink frosting on everything! I am also excited because Marin and I asked Heather if we could throw her a bridal shower and a bacholorette party! I am sooo excited for those! Marin and I are going to start planning asap! I feel like all my friends got married, so I made new friends, then all those friends got married, then I made new friends, then I got married, and now all my friends are getting married. A great cycle of life :)
This evening after eating yummy left over pizza, Jake and I wrote my Grandma love notes and drew pictures. I wrote letters with some of my favorite memories with grandma. It brought back some great thoughts thinking about it all. Last week my grandma had a pretty bad stroke and is a rehabilitation center. I was totally surprised by this because my cute 91 grandma is in good shape, very wise and healthy. I hope she will recover well (and soon)! I hope even more I can go visit her and grandpa in Ohio and watch episodes of our favorite show "I Love Lucy." My grandma is the best at sending mail! Especially birthday cards! Every time I get one it is covered in stickers, so Jake and I made sure to put lots of stickers inside and outside on all of our letters. Now I just need to make a package! I miss my grandparents.
My mom sent me this cute picture of my new niece Lindy! I was dying at how cute she is! Her huge eyes are beautiful! And so much hair! Too cute!

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