New Year Resolution

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Each year I am surprised at how fast the year goes by.  Typically I will make goals at the beginning of the year, and through out the year as different ideas or things come up.  I am not always great at keeping my goals or getting everything done that I want.  I have learned over the years, for me I have to try and make realistic goals, not too many, and come up with a game plan to accomplish my goals.  I also like to write my goals down and tape them on a door or a mirror where I can often be reminded of the goals I set and made.  I have found too, getting others on board and joining in making goals together really helps by being able to cheer each other on and help remind each other of the goals we made throughout the year.

This year I made a few goals, but the one I have been wanting to focus on is to be more healthy and make better food choices.  If you know anything about me, I LOVE FOOD! And I make the worse food choices ever! haha. This year, I still want to eat out, I still want to have fun eating but I am going to try and make better choices.  

Food is such an important part of my life, and I feel it will be for the rest of my life so I am going to try to learn some balance.  My goal is to not try and loose a ton of weight, I am just going to try and be healthy.  I really like the size I currently am, but I want to feel better.  I know that by eating better foods, my body will run better, be happier and preform better.

I am going to try and substitute one food item I would normally eat in a day for a better alternative choice.  Instead of eating double stuffed Oreos, I will eat a fruit or veggie. Instead of ordering 15 chicken wings  and a side of fries at a restaurant, I will try and go for 5 wings and a salad. 

I don't expect to be great at this since I never think and just eat, but I am going to try.  I thought by just changing one thing a day, hopefully in the future I will be able to change more food choices throughout the day.

With talking with some family and friends, I was able to get some ideas on how to help me succeed on my goal throughout the year.  As I try things, I will have to see what works for me and adjust! Here is a list we came up with:

1. Have healthy options of food available in the house and easy to get. If you buy fruit/veggies, cut it up and put it in Tupperware, or freezer bags for smoothies.
2. Get rid of the junk food.
3. Before going out to eat, research what kinds of options of food a restaurant has and the calories.
4. Use "My Fitness Pal" or some other fitness app to track what I eat each day.
5. Do not eat after dinner or eat later than eight and try not to late night snack :(
6. Always carry a water bottle around to help keep hydrated. 

I know there are a million other ideas out there for trying to make better food choices, but these are a few that I think may work for me.  

I am always craving sweets and all I want to do is eat treats! I am trying to find items that are sweet, but have more nutrition to them.  Jake and I got to stay with my parents for the Christmas Holiday this year.  They have a ton of orange trees, so Jake and I decided to pick some oranges and make orange juice.  We picked bags full of oranges to take home with us, so we can have some yummy oranges for the upcoming month :) I was having so much fun juicing oranges, I made 3 gallons of orange juice! haha


  1. I love the Sephora Save an Extra 20% Off All Sale Items deal

  2. I'm a sweet craver too, and I found a great substitute recently that is healthy and 100% natural. Try Lara Bars! I swear their cherry pie and lemon bar taste just like the real treats, and they only have fruit and nuts in them. I hope you find the same love for them that I found!

  3. I love this! I want to try to eat healthier this year, too, but my husband and I live in San Francisco, which is basically the most delicious city in the country. We got married last year and we did such a good job before the wedding that we let ourselves get pretty unhealthy after the wedding. Now that the holidays are over, my goal is to go walking more and make better snack choices. My big fault is eating junk food at night :/ Here's to a healthier year!

    Young SF Lady
