Halloween Decorations, Candy and Style

Monday, September 29, 2014

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #Treats4All #Shop
Halloween Style and Decor
Halloween Candy Bowl
Halloween Decorations
Halloween Candy Bowls
Halloween Table Decorations

Leather Jacket: Thrifted (similar)
Neon Orange Sweater: Walmart (similar)
Jeans: All Saints
Shoes: Palladium Boots

Coat: All Saints
Leatherette Jeans: Citizens for Humanity
Heels: Zara
Lipstick: Mac-Neon Orange

Is anyone else excited for Halloween? Jake and I have already been prepping for the holiday as you can see above :)  We were so excited to decorate the house and wear orange, we couldn't resist starting the season early! Plus, October is only a few days away...  

 My neighbors probably think I'm a crazy person because I'm always decorating for the holidays as soon as possible!  As soon as Fall time is announced, the Halloween decor is out!  As soon as Thanksgiving Dinner is over, I am putting up the Christmas stockings! I love holidays and all the fun treats and decor that come with it!  This is only our second Halloween in our house so I find I am still searching for the perfect spots to decorate the house!

Jake and I were recently at Walmart and of course got stuck in the candy aisle!   I am such a sucker for holiday themed candy!  I love how the candy comes in mini sizes and sometimes even pumpkin shapes!  I saw these Nestle Butterfinger Peanut Butter Cups and had to try them!  I love peanut butter and chocolate and the square shape just looked fun, so I had to buy them!  I also am a fan of Butterfingers though!  This year I have been wanting to build the perfect candy bowl and know I must include some Butterfingers!

Every year, I always buy Halloween candy early, and by the time trick or treaters come around, I have to buy more because I ate it all! haha I have a big sweet tooth!  This year I am thinking, I will just have to test out all my favorite candies and then go back to Walmart to buy more of our favorites to share!

With Halloween being my favorite holiday, Jake and I like to celebrate all month long!  We celebrate all month long by decorating the house at the beginning of October, going to the pumpkin patch to pick out pumpkins and go on a hayride, carving pumpkins, eating at Jdawgs and getting an orange hot dog bun, taking a trip to California to go to Mickeys Halloween Party, and ending the month passing out candy to our cute neighbors!  And of course, we love to wear orange and black whenever we can!

We just finished our lawn and landscaping, so this year I want to sit on the porch and hand out candy!  I am hoping the weather won't be too cold to sit outside!

Do you have any fun Halloween traditions or any Nestle treats you love to include in your candy bowl? 

Todays blog post photos above were taken by the amazing McKenzie of Photography by McKenzie!  She was so amazing to work with and so fun to take photos with!  Jake and I were able to take another fun photo session with her and cant wait to share those photos with you in the near future!


  1. Love these pictures! Your decorating is so cute!

    Heidi D.

  2. You guys are too cute and having way too much fun in Walmart! :) I normally buy candy early as well and end up eating most of it before Halloween. We're actually dressing up this year since we're going to a Halloween party! We're looking forward to it.

  3. These photos are adorable and I absolutely love all your holiday decor! I'm sure my neighbors and friends think I'm crazy too because I am definitely all about decorating for the holidays as soon as I can!! (or as soon as I can justify it to my husband!)

  4. Your decorations are AMAZING!!! I love this! Happy Halloween!! #client

  5. You guys are so freakin' cute, I can't stand it! Love all your Halloween decorations and, of course, all that candy!


  6. Love your post. And, neon lip color. Too cute.


  7. OMG I love this! Halloween+Candy+Decor+Your amazing outfit= Total love! I really really love that jacket.. looks like I'll be shopping soon!

  8. Stop it!! You guys are so cute!!! LOVE the decor! I'm putting up all my Halloween stuff this weekend I'm so excited! And of course you both look fabulous!

    <3 Shannon

  9. This is the cutest! :) Love how much fun you two are having. :)
    xo Erin

  10. You two are too fun! I want to go Halloween candy shopping with you both! Your decorations are fabulous as well! Enjoy your new landscaping with the trick-or-treaters this year! #client

  11. Could this be any more perfect?! Seriously your outfit is flawless, I love the asymmetrical coat, you are gorgeous!

    Plus I've never been the biggest fan of Halloween, but this is definitely getting me in the spirit.


  12. I love halloween! My husband and his family get realllllllly into it.

  13. Who is your photographer? I was going through all your photos and I was loving every single one! It's perfection, well at least for me.



  14. OMG so cute!! Love the Halloween decors and you guys' outfits!


  15. we are obsessed with halloween so we are totally in love with all of your decor and halloween inspired looks!

    Brittani and Katie

  16. Seriously, you all are too cute for words! What a fun post. I love all your decor. I have ZERO willpower. If I had all that candy in my house I would be in trouble!

    xo, Amy Ann
    The Real Arnolds

  17. Great post! I love Halloween, it's such a fun time! What's not to like? You've got candy, decorations, and you get to dress up. :-)

    xo, Maria

  18. SO I know I'm late to the game here, but I love this whole post!! I'm ready for Halloween now :) and I'm definitely ready for that beautiful coat to be in my closet!!


  19. Your outfits are so awesome! Especially your awesome long coat! I think the kids will love your candy!


  20. It's so great you guys really get into it. I sure yours is
    The house all the kids want to go too!

  21. Great job with the decor now I need to go trick or treat to your home lol just joking.

  22. Such great decorations! I love it !
    Xo Miss Erin
    See what I have to say at:

  23. This is such a fun post! I love, LOVE Halloween and I love, LOVE your coat! I love the asymmetry of it! You guys are so cute!
