The Perfect Touch to Any Party!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review

It feels so odd to have a blog post with pictures with out Jake in them, but he couldn't be part of these because I was getting invites ready for a CACTUS SURPRISE PARTY for him!   I was so obsessed with how the invites turned out from Minted, I had to share them!  I have been wanting to Instagram them and Snapchat them but I had to keep my lips sealed so I didn't spoil the surprise!  The party was last night, so now I can shout on the roof tops about all my favorite party details :)

 Jake is graduating today with his MBA and I could not be more proud of him!  He has been working so hard and knew a celebration needed to be had with all our family and friends!  I had so much fun getting ready for the party!  Sometimes the party prep can be as much fun as the party itself!

Jake has been obsessed with cacti for the past few years so when I thought about a Graduation party theme, I knew cacti had to be involved!  I had gotten the general idea of the party vibe I was wanting to create like make your own terrarium, photo spot, cactus themed treats, etc. but I knew to seal the deal I had to find the perfect invites!  I have always loved getting invites in the mail, and sending out the perfect invites is even more fun!

I was googling cactus party invites and Minted Cactus Wedding Invite set came up.   Right when I saw them I knew these were the cards!  It worked out perfect being a wedding set because it had matching insert cards you could get as an option, and I wanted them!  With the party being a surprise I didn't want to worry guests if they could not be to the party on time, worry about parking or gifts, so I was glad I could do an extra card to go in the envelope with all the details about the party.

My favorite thing that Minted offers is free address addressing for guests on your envelopes!  It was super easy too!  I just uploaded our Christmas address file and went from there.  I loved that with the cards they had a matching address set. I could of chosen a diffrent option but I loved that I could get cute printed cacti and matching fonts that went with the invites.

I also went ahead and got a matching cactus envelope liner and custom cacti stamps! I am obsessed with everything matching, and I am so glad there are companies out there that work with my OCD for wanting everything perfect!  I really could not be happier with how the cards turned out!  Can't wait to share more party details with you all in the next few weeks!

P.S. Minted is currently having a Graduation Event until 5/9/16 for 15% off all Grad announcements and invites!  Use promo code GRAD2016 at check out for 15% off!

Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review
Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review
Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review
Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review
Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review

Cactus Invites: Minted  |  Cactus Stamps: Minted |  Blouse: Kate Spade  | Live Cacti: Sun River Gardens

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Minted Cacti Wedding Invites Review

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