February is ending

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Wahoo!!! New Furniture has arrived......now to decided where to put it all!
For Jakes birthday, we got to go out with some of Jakes family. It was fun! We ate at the Corner Bakery. Every sandwich or salad I have ever gotten from there I have loved! And there cookies are delicious! 
After a great dinner we topped it off with some yummy cheese cake to go for all of us at the Cheese Cake Factory!
Reeses cheese cake is never disappointing!
Jake and I saw this pig timer and I had to have it! I was so excited when it came in the mail! Wahoo! I find odd reasons to use the timer to here it oink.  It works great!
Tuna was so excited to use his pig pen to oink back at the timer....
After a fun dinner and pink excitement, Jake started to work on the turtle tank. After the intestine episode with Mr. T we decided to get the turtle dock out and some rocks in the new home. Earlier that day we went to Rock Canyon to find some perfect rocks and some twigs for a project I wanted to work on. Jake was seeing the sink would not drain and so he decided to get a hanger to see what the problem was. 
Ok this is nasty, nasty, nasty, but this is what was making the sink not drain. I dont know how someones hair clips, little brush and long hair got in the drain, but it was there. Jake almost threw up six times. Your a trooper babe. Way to go. I would of not been able to do that. While this was all going on, Heather was over interviewing Jake and I on life as a married couple. That was funny and fun. 
The turtles love to be cozy. They love blankies. Three of them are in the blanket and Mr. T. is out side keeping guard. They are anxiously waiting for their new home to be done. 
The new rock set up. Looks great! Max is the only adventurous one to check it out so far. 
Max going exploring. 
Friday, Tuna, Jake and I went on a double date with Marin and Drew. Tuna is finding he likes knives. Maybe because we were at the bowling alley he was feeling comfortable.
Tuna was pretending he was homeless to see if people would give him things. 
Marin wore this shirt on her birthday a few years ago. It worked. 
Game 1 scores. MJ-Marin, Larry Bird-Drew, ac green-Jake, globe trotter-Kelsey
Tunas tactics are working. We are going to have to have a talk with him to return everything. 
Game two was intense and neck in neck the whole game! With ice cream on the table for the bet, every point was crucial in this game.
The crew. After some fun games of bowing we played some air hockey, ski ball, basketball and pinball to win some cool tickets for prizes. That was a nice touch to the night! Good idea Drew!
After we ended the night at Earth, Fruits and Yogurt to get some ice cream. There we read Laffy Taffy Jokes, talked for hours and had fun. Heather came and met us up after work. It was fun to play with our friends!
Saturday was a great day! For lunch, Jake and I got free tacos at Rubios for BYU winning the basketball game! Thanks Rubios! We love your tacos, and even more when they are free! We also got Burgers to top off the caloric intake! 
Today we also did some phone shopping. I think we may be going with Mr. Verizon. We will see. I want an Iphone........and I have had good luck with Verizon. We will seeeeeeeee...... 
Next, Jake and I made a cake and started getting some cake lollipop treats together! I found this cute idea on littlemissmomma.blogspot.com. I liked them and thought they were yummy, but I think I may like them in another flavor than chocolate instead.
While making treats, a package came in the mail! It was a new friend for Tuna! Jake won this cool Angels Uncle Sam monkey on Ebay. Tuna was liking him. He even took him to church the next day. Tuna loves watching Signfield all day and is obsessed with Jerry. I think that is where he got the idea to name this monkey Jerry.
Welcome to the family Jerry! Do you like Tunas necklace? Marin and Drew bought us all matching friendship bracelets with their tickets from the night before at the bowling alley. Tuna likes to wear his as a necklace.
Tuna told Jake that this is what he would like if he was a monkey. He would look like Jerry. (close eyes, little nose, narrow face..) I agree.
Getting farther on the treats. These are taking forever!
Time for the drizzles.
Cake pops done! 45 ready to eat! Can you tell I am excited for St. Patricks Day with the colors I picked?
Got a plate ready for dinner tomorrow for desert! My old roommates are coming over for dinner! I am so excited to see them all!

Jake and I got to end the night watching Batman Begins and Petes Dragon while I finished up working on some crafts! It was a great week!

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