Turtle Talk

Saturday, February 26, 2011

This has been quite an exciting week for us! On Monday, Jake and I took a relaxing day, studying for school and doing some shopping. We wanted to go see a movie, but nothing looked to exciting. Maybe in a few weeks. Tuesday all our new furniture arrived in the morning! Wahoo! So exciting! We love it all! We ended up separating our hutch and using part of it in the kitchen, and part of it in the office for a fabric storer for now. Someday in our own place we use it as an official fabouls hutch, but until then, we like how it is! Tuesday night we ate our usual Rubios fish tacos for dinner.

Then we had a little scare. Our turtle Mr. T. had made a pooey literally over the size of the quarter. It had blood and mucus in it. We almost had to go to urgent reptile care. Then he sucked all the gunk back up into him. Well, as we tried to learn more, we think he might be eating part of a turtle dock which caused the mucus and blood. And the other pooey part, he might be a male, or a girl we still don't know but he should be fine. I guess thats a normal turtle thing to do when you reach a certain age, but if the junk does not go back in, you have to take the turtle in to get stitches. Sorry that was way gross, but it scared me big time. That was not a pretty site to see.

I have been wanting to make more crafts for the home. I have been doing alot of blog stalking lately on craft blogs and that has been fun to! Not to mention the entire pan of brownies I ate while doing that. Last night was the first time I had ever skyped with my parents! It was so much fun! We got to take the lap top around and give them the tour of the house! That was fun! Well have to do that more with them! I liked to see their faces!

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